Proposal of actions for the agro ecological reconversion of a farm in Las Tunas municipality
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The research was carried out in the period from January 2013 to December 2017, in the agricultural community "Calera II" the Farm "La Montaña" of Las Tunas municipality, with the aim of implementing a proposal of actions for the agro ecological reconversion of the farm, with the training to the producers. The actions carried out by researchers and producers are described. On the farm, the different productive subsystems were characterized. In order to collect the information, different techniques were used, including the analysis of farm production records, interviews and surveys with producers, participant observation, workshops, among others. The main problems that limit agricultural and livestock productions were identified, as well as the fundamental agro ecological practices that producers have introduced during the last years. As a result, a series of proposals were designed to carry out actions and raise the potential of the farm with regard to the biodiversity of both crops and animals, as well as the recycling of nutrients and others that contribute to guarantee animal feed throughout the year in a way that allows them to raise production in a sustainable way and be able to achieve agro ecological reconversion of the farm, with joint participation when defining the actions to be developed to implement the actions gradually.
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