Application of the business model Canvas in Microenterprises from Partners of the Savings and Credit Cooperative Luz del Valle

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Francisco Javier Monroy Espinosa


The "Luz del Valle" Savings and Credit Cooperative is a financial institution with five thousand microentrepreneurial partners who have business units. These business units, generally informal, do not have a defined organizational structure or adequate management tools, which influences in the presence of economic problems such as arrears and non-payment of contracted obligations, mainly as a result of a low level of sales. Due to this situation, it is important for cooperatives to support their partners in finding solutions. This is part of the cooperative principles and values of mutual aid, social responsibility and education, training and information for its members, team leaders, managers and employees; these universal principles established by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) are considered by the savings and credit cooperative "Luz del Valle" as strategies to accompany its partners in the development and growth of their business units. The cooperative organizes a Christmas Fair annually, where 60 microentrepreneurs participate. This event was the opportunity to develop, together with the Metropolitan University of Ecuador, a project that, in its first phase, trained in the formulation of strategies based on the application of the Business Model Canvas; the teaching of this tool, which allows creating, capturing and providing value for clients, was supported by the university community and the program of linkage with society that develops the aforementioned institution; the evaluation of the impact and the economic results are contemplated in a second phase.


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How to Cite
Monroy Espinosa, F. J. (2017). Application of the business model Canvas in Microenterprises from Partners of the Savings and Credit Cooperative Luz del Valle. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 5(2), 159–169. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biography

Francisco Javier Monroy Espinosa, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

Ingeniro Magister en Diseño y Administración de Proyectos, Docente de la Carrera de Gestión Empresarial


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