Identification of commercial circuits for marketing of organic agricultural products in Public Ministries at Machala canton

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María Elena Estrada Martínez
Sharon Alexia Pizarro Ibáñez


The identification of commercial circuits in the Machala canton contributes to the economic and social development of the members of the San José de Guartiguro agricultural cooperative located in the Guanazón parish of Zaruma canton. The purpose of this paper was to identify commercial circuits for the marketing of baskets of organic agricultural products in nine Public Ministries of Machala. An inquiry was carried out among 138 workers, and the distribution process of the baskets was observed. The program Microsoft Excel 2013was applied to organize data in tables and graphics. Results showed that 84.14% of the workers inquired agreed to purchase the baskets at the Ministries. The implementation of commercial circuits in Machala canton that will favor the access of the members of the agricultural cooperative to institutional markets is proposed. This measure will also enable the workers at the Ministries to acquire organic agricultural products at lower prices in their work place.


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How to Cite
Estrada Martínez, M. E., & Pizarro Ibáñez, S. A. (2016). Identification of commercial circuits for marketing of organic agricultural products in Public Ministries at Machala canton. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 4(2), 179–188. Retrieved from
Experiences of good practices
Author Biographies

María Elena Estrada Martínez, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

Doctora en Ciencias Agrícolas

Sharon Alexia Pizarro Ibáñez, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas


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