Contribution of clean and sustainable technologies, in the development of the Cooperative Agricultural

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Félix Ponce Ceballos
Felipe Ponce Ceballos
Antero Ramos Gálvez
Luis Díaz Crespos
Virgilio Valles Capote


This study is developed in cooperative of the municipality The Palaces, county of Pinegrove of the River, Cuba and it is based on the increment of the production of meat of pigs of the Alimentary Program, using clean technology with the objective of diminishing the polluting impact to the floor, the water and the atmosphere from the environment when using the residual ones in substitution of the fossil fuels, the firewood, and the liquid efluentes and solids as fertilizers of high quality, without chemical and regenerators of the floors, what contributes with the sostenibilidad of this area, supported by the implementation of a system of cooperative and environmental education that guarantees that the outlined objective lasts and strengthen in the time. The results indicate that the cooperativistas produces a stocking of 270 tons for year of pig meat for the alimentary program, 1 013 tons per year of you excrete descontaminadas; 60 750 m3 for year of biogás with an equivalent energy power to 97 200 Kwh per year, using stops to cook in substitution of the electricity and 6,5 tons of firewood used in the cooking of foods for pigs. It also contributes to the economy of each family in $1 700 pesos per year and to the national economy it reports him a benefit of $16 524 USD for not electricity generation with fossil fuel. Also a positive environmental effect when being stopped to emit 1 545 t.CO2eq per year to the atmosphere. They were organized as a result of this investigation three training classrooms and training to the communities of the municipality to work the thematic of the handling of renewable resources and cares of the medioambiente.


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How to Cite
Ponce Ceballos, F., Ponce Ceballos, F., Ramos Gálvez, A., Díaz Crespos, L., & Valles Capote, V. (2016). Contribution of clean and sustainable technologies, in the development of the Cooperative Agricultural. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 4(1), 52–64. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biographies

Félix Ponce Ceballos, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctor en Ciencias técnicas

Felipe Ponce Ceballos, Centro de Estudio y Desarrollo del Cooperativismo de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Máster en Dirección Empresarial, Colaborador del Centro de Estudio y Desarrollo del Cooperativismo y del Grupo Gestor de Cooperativas del Consejo de la Administración de Pinar del Rio

Antero Ramos Gálvez, Coordinador Grupo Biogás, Gobierno Provincial

Máster en Ciencias Agrícolas

Luis Díaz Crespos, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Máster en Ciencias Técnicas.

Virgilio Valles Capote, Gobierno del Municipio de Los Palacios

Licenciado en Geografía. Coordinador Grupo Biogás


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