Local development of Qinghai Province in the context of the New Silk Road

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Kang Min
Maité Echarri Chávez


Territorial inequalities in the west of the People's Republic of China were evidence of extreme poverty in that region. With the implementation of a set of government programs, boosted by the New Silk Road initiative, this region has overcome the obstacles in order to report indicators that show the impact of such actions. The province of Qinghai is an example of this, showing encouraging indicators that demonstrate the importance of the transfer of technologies and state resources for the achievement of concrete sustainability objectives. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the impacts generated by the New Silk Road on local development in Qinghai province. For this purpose, it relies on scientific methods such as historical-logical and inductive-deductive, in a descriptive and analytical-exploratory type of research. The results reveal the significance of the implementation of the development program accompanying the New Road, while revealing the gaps that persist, from which actions are proposed to achieve a structural economic transformation in the province.


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How to Cite
Min, K., & Echarri Chávez, M. (2024). Local development of Qinghai Province in the context of the New Silk Road . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(1), e586. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/586
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