Creative Placemaking: an alternative in post-Covid times

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Beatriz Serrano Leyva
Francisco Fidel Feria Velázquez
Felix Díaz Pompa


The post-Covid scenario is an opportunity to rethink the cultural tourism model that already showed negative symptoms such as overtourism, lack of economic resources and lack of authenticity. Creative placemaking in the context of creative tourism has the potential to mitigate these effects. The objective of the research was to identify the potentialities of creative placemaking in Holguin destination for the development of creative tourism. The descriptors creative tourism were searched in Scopus and the position of creative placemaking in this theoretical structure was identified by means of SciMAT software. A content analysis of the articles on creative placemaking was carried out to identify its dimensions. A thesaurus was developed to replace keywords by the label of each dimension and analyze the density by keyword co-occurrence in VOSviewer. The key factors of each dimension were analyzed using keyword co-occurrence maps. The factors were discussed with specialists in the field to identify the potentialities of the Holguin destination. Creative placemaking is a transversal theme, important, but little addressed. The dimensions that emerged as dimensions were the principles proposed by Greg Richards: resources, meaning and creativity. Holguín has potential for the development of creative placemaking in the city and rural areas. The mapping of creative enterprises and their conjunction in a digital platform for the co-creation of experiences and commercialization is necessary. The article provides a first approach to the subject to be considered for the conception of a new model of cultural tourism management oriented to creative tourism.


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Serrano Leyva, B., Feria Velázquez, F. F., & Díaz Pompa, F. (2023). Creative Placemaking: an alternative in post-Covid times . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(3), e575. Retrieved from
Original articles


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