Stable financial inclusion: Recovering the Salvadoran Rurality

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Héctor David Córdova


This article approaches a topic of great significance for the Salvadorian financial sector, as well as for the whole population, especially that in the rural areas of this country. 

This article refers, in terms of their institutional evolution, the stages the Federation of Cooperative Associations of Savings and Credit of El Salvador FEDECACES DE R.L has lived through in its development. 

In this work an analysis of the process of financial inclusion that has been undertaken by FEDECACES is shown, as well as the impact achieved in the country, specially in the rural areas, which lacked financial entities able to offer this type of service with the stability and guarantee that the cooperatives affiliated to the Federation bring today. 

The work carried out is sustained on an analysis of the main financial variables of base cooperatives as well as of the sustained membership increase in these entities. This demonstrates the quality of the services they offer, shown by the level of satisfaction of the population, to whom they are addressed. 


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How to Cite
Córdova, H. D. (2013). Stable financial inclusion: Recovering the Salvadoran Rurality. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 1(1), 104–117. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biography

Héctor David Córdova, Federación de Asociaciones Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de El Salvador, FEDECACES.

Gerente Corporativo de la Federación de Asociaciones Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de El Salvador, FEDECACES.


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