Use of training workshops as an object of study for the transformation of the cooperative community environment

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Rafael Ojeda Suárez
Gabriela Alexandra Aguirre León
Arturo Bofill Paredes
Teresa del Carmen Yaure Cabrera
Alejandro Emilio Ramos Rodríguez


Using the potential of didactics for capacity building is a must to ensure organizational sustainability. We used a set of tools, such as, object of study, didactics, action-participatory research, generating exploratory, descriptive, correlational and explanatory studies within the cooperative organization. The workshops allowed the design of innovative teaching-learning processes to meet the demands of organizational knowledge systems, identify the main administrative management problems and actions to contribute to the organizational sustainability of the cooperative with the active, creative, participatory and compromising contribution of the social actors involved in the programs or projects. The measurement of the impacts of the projects of connection with the society, can be more easily determinable from identifying the base line that is part and the shortcomings of the organization for which the workshops of proactive socialization of information are an essential tool. On the other hand, it is required that the continuous training of teachers that lead to modify their educational conceptions and, as a consequence, their methodologies and practices at the time of tackling work with the community. The proposed actions were accepted in their entirety by the cooperative's directive, transforming itself into a Cooperative Participatory Development Program.




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How to Cite
Ojeda Suárez, R., Aguirre León, G. A., Bofill Paredes, A., Yaure Cabrera, T. del C., & Ramos Rodríguez, A. E. (2017). Use of training workshops as an object of study for the transformation of the cooperative community environment. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 5(1), 83–96. Retrieved from
Experiences of good practices
Author Biographies

Rafael Ojeda Suárez, Universidad Metropolita Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas. Profesor Investigador.

Gabriela Alexandra Aguirre León, Universidad Metropolita de Ecuador.

Doctora. Abogada.

Arturo Bofill Paredes, Universidad Metropolitana de Ecuador.

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas. Profesor Investigador.

Teresa del Carmen Yaure Cabrera, Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria del Sur. COOPAS.

Ingeniera Comercialización Empresarial.

Alejandro Emilio Ramos Rodríguez, Universidad Agraria de la Habana.

Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física y Recreación.


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