Cooperativism in the social economy and instrument of citizen participation: the need for insertion in the Ecuadorian banana production

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Osvaldo Domínguez Junco
Lenny Beatríz Capa Benítez
Greicy de la Caridad Rodríguez Crespo


Ecuadorian cooperative legislation dates from 1937, but it was in the fifties to sixties that took real presence at the national level, with the creation of most of cooperative organizations. The research presented addressed the importance of cooperatives in the social economy, being an instrument of civic participation and an example of teamwork, focusing the study on the need to incorporate the organization in banana production, especially of small and medium producer, being an export line highlighted in the country and especially in the province of El Oro, "called the capital of bananas". A documentary investigation was conducted and the empirical method of interviewing producers was used to understand the vision regarding the effectiveness of the work collective in banana production under the principles of cooperation.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Junco, O., Capa Benítez, L. B., & Rodríguez Crespo, G. de la C. (2016). Cooperativism in the social economy and instrument of citizen participation: the need for insertion in the Ecuadorian banana production. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 4(2), 131–138. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biographies

Osvaldo Domínguez Junco, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Profesor Titular, Dpto. GEDELTUR.

Lenny Beatríz Capa Benítez, Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), Sede Machala. Provincia de El Oro. Ecuador.

Máster en Ciencias Forestales.

Greicy de la Caridad Rodríguez Crespo, Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), Sede Machala. Provincia de El Oro. Ecuador.

Doctora en Ciencias.


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