Cooperativismo y Desarrollo, January-April 2024; 12(1), e588
Translated from the original in Spanish


Experience of good practices

Adventure Tourism: a positive influence on the sustainable development of the sector


El Turismo de Aventura: una influencia positiva en el desarrollo sostenible del sector


Turismo de Aventura: uma influência positiva no desenvolvimento sustentável do setor


Julio Cesar Rodríguez Ugalde1 0000-0002-6357-9377
Arcelio Ezequiel Fernández González1 0000-0002-8709-5473
Ónix Edelma Pestana Mercader1 0000-0001-8218-7662
Ariel Romeu Martínez1 0000-0002-7037-3449

1 University of Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Matanzas, Cuba.


Received: 8/02/2023
Accepted: 7/03/2024


The positive impact that the development of the adventure tourism subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley generates in the sector and the local population is seen as an element of interest for the scientific community of Sports and Physical Recreation in the province of Matanzas, where background research shows sustainable growth in the practice of this activity. The study was based on different scientific methods at the theoretical and empirical levels, with the objective being: to assess the positive influence exerted by the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation. The results demonstrated that the contents associated with the main positive impacts generated by the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the sector and the demarcation are systematized, organized and interrelated.

Keywords: physical recreation; adventure tourism; local development.


El impacto positivo que genera en el sector y la población local el desarrollo del subsegmento de turismo de aventura en el Valle "Río Canímar" se visualiza como un elemento de interés para la comunidad científica del Deporte y la Recreación Física en la provincia de Matanzas, donde investigaciones antecedentes evidencian un crecimiento sostenible en la práctica de esta actividad. El estudio se apoyó en diferentes métodos científicos de los niveles teórico y empírico, trazándose como objetivo: valorar la influencia positiva que ejerce la práctica de actividades del Turismo de Aventura en el Valle "Río Canímar" sobre el desarrollo sostenible del sector y la demarcación. Los resultados demostraron que se sistematizan, organizan e interrelacionan los contenidos asociados a los principales impactos positivos que genera la práctica de actividades del Turismo de Aventura en el sector y la demarcación.

Palabras clave: recreación física; turismo de aventura; desarrollo local.


O impacto positivo gerado no setor e na população local pelo desenvolvimento do subsegmento de turismo de aventura no Vale do Rio Canímar é visto como um elemento de interesse para a comunidade científica de Esporte e Recreação Física na província de Matanzas, onde pesquisas anteriores mostram um crescimento sustentável na prática dessa atividade. O estudo baseou-se em diferentes métodos científicos nos níveis teórico e empírico, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência positiva da prática de atividades de turismo de aventura no Vale do Rio Canímar no desenvolvimento sustentável do setor e da província. Os resultados mostraram que os conteúdos associados aos principais impactos positivos gerados pela prática das atividades de turismo de aventura no setor e no distrito são sistematizados, organizados e inter-relacionados.

Palavras-chave: recreação física; turismo de aventura; desenvolvimento local.



Cuba is a tourist power known worldwide for its beautiful destinations, marked by the predominance of sun and beach offers where a comprehensive image of the nation, its Cuban identity and its historical-cultural values stands out. The bases of the country's tourism development program are fundamentally founded on this offer, but broad possibilities are seen for the nature, cultural and rural tourism segments, to make greater and better use of the environmental opportunities, which come given by the potential of the Cuban archipelago in natural resources.

Along with other tourist offers, in the last decade, adventure tourism has gained more strength and has expanded its horizons, where the demand that is exerted on this typology forces the providers of these tourist services to look for more options to satisfy the requests of clients who look for an opportunity to engage in exploration or travel, during which it will be necessary to use both physical and psychological skills. This offer, with endogenous characteristics and a wide degree of territoriality, is multidimensional in nature and is identified by the environmentalist and sustainable approach of its practice, with regulations for the use and management of the natural environment and the prevention of negative social impacts on local culture.

Related to the issue raised and based on positive management experiences, there is a reconversion of the importance of the local versus the global, which enables a new opportunity, built from the capabilities of local and different actors of regional development, whose phenomenon can not only be understood from an economic perspective, but the opposite, since it is a dynamic process of expanding local capabilities. Regarding this, the criterion of Flores Gonzáles (2008, p. 6) is endorsed by stating that:

Tourism has a direct impact on territorial planning, revaluing the community way of life, involving the community in local public life from their daily practice of life, generating the exercise of participatory democracy. Without a doubt then, we can talk about committed tourism, which incorporates the consolidation of territorial spaces as tourism planning units in which local development is aimed at from the social base, that is, being able to get involved in natural spaces, social coexistence, cultural practices, oral life stories and customs, including networks of exchange and solidarity that already constitute a transformative potential for these territorial spaces and society as a whole.

Within this vast scenario, nuanced by the concurrence of different processes, the vision of sustainable development is necessarily endorsed as an essential element in the sector, which as stated by Bien, A. (without date) cited in Vargas Leira and Prada (2023, p. 258), this refers to development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs".

For this reason, the case that concerns the present study arises precisely from the positive impact that the development of the adventure tourism subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley generates in the sector and in the local population, which is why it is proposed as the general objective of the research:

Assess the positive influence that the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley exerts on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation.



This research is classified as descriptive, since it characterizes a specific fact or phenomenon in all its main components and uses systematic criteria that allowed establishing the structure or behavior of said phenomena under study. In this sense, theoretical and empirical methods were used, in order to determine the most essential components in the movement and context in which the phenomenon under study develops, conceiving the dialectical-materialist method, as a governing category, once it allows interpreting the development process of the object of study in its evolution.

It established the "Río Canímar" Valley as the setting and identified the entire structure of the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) and the population residing in the area as the main user.

Their study involved three sample groups:

  1. Teachers of the Faculties of Physical Culture Sciences and Business Sciences of the University of Matanzas: 7 teachers with academic and research performance related to Physical Recreation and Tourism, who were selected intentionally
  2. Workers in the tourism sector in the "Río Canímar" Valley: 33 workers, selected randomly
  3. Residents or inhabitants of the "Río Canímar" Valley: 70 people, selected randomly

In it, surveys were applied to the workers in the sector and the inhabitants of the area, while an interview was applied to the teachers; all of this, with the purpose of obtaining information, opinions and evaluations on the practice of adventure tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley, using descriptive statistics for the respective quantitative analysis, which is constructed through the use of the Statistical Package SPSS version 21.00 and Microsoft Excel 2019.



Adventure tourism as an activity that enhances and generates development

According to Bãndoi et al. (2020), "tourism is a way of progress for all countries in the world, being an ideal promoter of the use of natural, anthropic and cultural resources of native communities, providing benefits for the population and contributing to economic development".

Regardless of the possible variants of tourism that exist, the importance of this activity lies in two fundamental pillars: the first is that which has to do with the movement and the economic reactivation that it generates in the specific region in which it is carried out. Thus, all countries and regions on the planet count on tourism as another economic activity that generates jobs, infrastructure works, development of gastronomic and hotel establishments, among others; on the other hand, this sector shows another pillar that can be called sociocultural, where its importance lies in the fact that it is through its practice that human beings can get to know other cultures, other societies, other ways of living up close and personal and other geographic environments. Although all this data can be known through encyclopedias, maps and photos, it is only through tourism that a person can interact directly with those realities different from those they usually experience, managing to enrich their own culture and personal experience.

As an inseparable and viable element of physical and sports activities, it is introduced in Cuba the nature tourism segment, specifically in its form of adventure tourism, which has become one of the most demanded offers and rigorously attended to by this sector in response to growth trends within the global tourism industry and the use of the potential derived from the natural diversity existing in the country.

In this sense, after addressing several characteristic elements of adventure tourism, the authors agree with what was proposed by the World Tourism Organization (2019), cited in Alfonso Dovale et al. (2021), stating that:

Adventure tourism is a type of tourism that normally takes place in destinations with specific geographical characteristics and landscapes and tends to be associated with physical activity, cultural exchange, interaction and closeness to nature. This experience may involve some type of real or perceived risk and may require significant physical and/or mental effort.

Coupled with the above, it could be argued that this tourist activity is intertwined with environmental, economic and social management policies, based on the implementation of the National Environmental Strategy, the State Plan to confront climate change and the National Plan of the Economic and Social Development by 2030, through its six strategic axes, particularly Natural Resources and the Environment, where the strategic projection of this sector towards 2030 foresees a deepening of adaptation and mitigation actions to climate change, in the post Covid-19 context, in favor of a resilient and low-emission sector and the development of sustainable and safe tourism.

Some necessary details about Adventure Tourism (AT) and Local Development (LD)

Currently, one of the main challenges of the tourism industry is its diversification in the face of increasingly segmented markets, both in motivations and in socio-demographic and economic variables. In this context, it is worth highlighting that contemporary human beings, in their socio-economic environment, are entitled to more free or leisure time, linked to the proliferation of labor guarantees such as the enjoyment of paid annual vacations. Some people occupy these periods of time with the practice of sports or tourism in its aspect of recreation and pleasure and, more recently, there is the conjunction of the sports and tourism aspects in the various activities known as sports tourism, active tourism or adventure sports and nature tourism.

In this sense, when seeking a clear and simple understanding of adventure tourism activities, it is necessary to go back to ancestral practices of adventure sports (climbing, river rafting, others) and physical activities in natural environments (camping, explorations), about which Osorio Osorio (2016) argues that this activity constitutes the closest reference to the society of the consumption of emotions and articles of the 21st century and responds to historical and cultural processes. Coupled with this, it can be added that, currently, this practice requires tourist-recreational facilities that, regardless of having the necessary resources, must be located in areas with privileged natural conditions, where there is some type of natural or cultural attraction (anthropic) relevant, as is the case of the area studied.

Regarding what was discussed above, it is necessary to argue that Adventure Tourism is recently created compared to other tourism modalities that have governed this industry over the years, but its market has been growing rapidly around the world, conceiving the carrying out an activity with a sustainable nature, which promotes the conservation and maintenance of the ecosystems through which it is passed, trying to satisfy recreational needs of people who seek to interact with nature and/or live an unforgettable controlled risk experience.

This motivating activity is practiced as part of physical recreation and, in Cuba, is located in the subsegment of Nature Tourism (previously called Alternative Tourism); a type of tourism that is different from conventional "sun and beach" or "business" tourism, which in most cases tends to be less invasive and more beneficial for the environment where it takes place.

Below are some definitions issued by different authors, specialists and/or organizations regarding Adventure Tourism.

Resolution No. 50 of 2014 of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba establishes in its Chapter I, article 2, subsection d, that: "Adventure Tourism is any tourist activity that involves certain physical effort to complete the challenge and, with the use of equipment or not and on the basis of controlled risk and the safety of the tourist, without degrading or depleting resources and the environment".

For his part, Troncoso (2023, p. 639) refers in his study on the creation of the Argentine Puna as a tourist destination that: "adventure tourism has established itself as one of the proposals to experience places outside the tourism circuits, especially in natural spaces or far from urban contexts".

The ATTA (2015, p. 5) defines adventure tourism as "travel (outside a person's normal environment for more than 24 hours and no more than one consecutive year) that includes at least two of the following three elements: (1) interaction with nature or (2) interaction with culture or (3) a physical activity".

This definition is generally accompanied in specialized bibliography by two basic categories or subcategories used in many destinations as a guarantee of participation and accessibility of their offer: hard and soft.

In Hard Adventure there is generally an aspect of risk or physical danger, implying an adrenaline rush, while in the second (Soft Adventure Tourism), the exploration of areas that are not common for travelers, with the purpose of interacting with natural, underdeveloped and culturally sensitive areas.

Another very clear and precise definition of this typology is the one addressed by Huertas López et al. (2023) in their work on tourist safety, where it is stated that this modality is capable of "satisfying recreational needs in people who seek to interact with nature and live an experience of controlled risk sensation".

Local development

The growing environmental problems and the limits imposed by nature itself on the overexploitation of its resources, together with the uncontrolled economic growth of some sectors of society, have contributed over time to the enrichment of the concept of development. This situation manifests itself in the same way when analyzing it in its spatial dimension, where it has been identified as: local development, territorial development, regional development, exogenous/endogenous development, among other categories or terms used currently.

Regarding the particular case of local development, Núñez Jover and Fernández González (2021, p. 1) argue that:

The place of local development (LD) in Cuba's economic and social development model has changed drastically, especially since 2019. Documents such as the Constitution of the Republic and the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030, along with a set of approved policies, as well as numerous government actions, clearly indicate that the LD has stopped being considered a relatively peripheral issue, of limited importance and only partially understood, to being considered a key element of the socioeconomic transformations underway.

Where this is understood as:

An essentially endogenous, participatory, innovative process of articulation of interests between actors, territories and scales (municipal, provincial and sectoral/national). It is based on the leadership of municipal and provincial governments for the management of their targeted development strategies, from knowledge management and innovation, to the promotion of projects that generate economic-productive, sociocultural, environmental and institutional transformations, with the objective to raise the quality of life of the population (MEP, 2020, p. 3).

In an analysis carried out by Torres Paez et al. (2018) on dissimilar commonly accepted definitions of Local Development, it is argued that "the majority of authors and institutions that refer to the definition of local development start from the recognition that it is a process for the purposes of social economic development, led by the local community with the participation of actors from the territory itself".

The practice of Adventure Tourism (AT) activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley as a positive influence on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation

Potential characteristics of the "Río Canímar" Valley area for the practice of sustainable AT activities

As expressed by the then Minister of Tourism, Osmany Cienfuegos, during the inauguration of the XII Congress of the Spanish Federation of Travel Agencies, held in Havana in October 1994, cited by Salinas Chávez and Mundet i Cerdan (2000): "Cuba is not just sun and beach. It's much more than that. It is history, nature, legend, a peculiar sense of living. A destination for every desire".

In this sense, the "Río Canímar" Valley is located in the main tourist region of Cuba (Varadero), exalting itself with the attraction of a valley of river origin that emerges from both sides of the river that gives rise to its name and on which, argues Marrero Marrero et al. (2014) that: "…based on its connotation, it is ratified as an area of local significance, with the category of Protected Natural Landscape".

This is a protected area located in the northwestern region of the province of Matanzas, in the hydrographic basin of the Canímar river, linked to its lower course. It is 4.5 km from the city of Matanzas and 27 km from the Varadero Tourist Complex. It has a surface area of 538.3 hectares in an elongated strip, bordering the lower course of the Canímar river, in areas of the Matanzas and Limonar municipalities. It limits to the north with the waters of Matanzas Bay, approximately 310 m before the Guiteras Bridge (Canímar), to the south with the Central Railway line and both to the east and west with areas of the Ministry of Agriculture, bordering the canyon of the river (Figure 1).

Regarding the Protected Natural Landscape, Decree-Law 201/1999 argues in its Article 28 that: "it is a terrestrial, marine area or a combination of both, in a natural or semi-natural state, which is managed mainly for the purposes of protection and maintenance of natural resources conditions, environmental services and development of sustainable tourism.

Figure 1. Representation of the Canímar River Valley Protected Natural Landscape
Source: Catalog of protected areas of Cuba (2019)

In another order, it is necessary to consider that the tourist facilities located in this natural space have enormous potential as a complement to the offer itself; their added value comes from the diversification and qualification of the area where they are located, producing a general increase in the offer (nautical, diving center, restaurants, ecological routes, among others), attracting a specific segment of tourism (adventure). After that, the creation and putting in adequate operating conditions of the recreational areas in the facilities, the construction and management of the sports equipment modules, the recruitment and training of personnel, the coordination of activities with the social factors of the territory, are actions that ensure the development of a systematic and permanent physical-recreational offer for the tourist population in all its diversity. Within this process, the authors recognize that the improvement in the benefits of the systematic practice of physical activity, in any of its representative manifestations (recreation and active tourism), is certainly transcendental, given the accelerated growth and importance it has for maintaining balance in man-middle relationships compared to other bodily activities.

The practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley, its offer and influence on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation

The adventure tourism infrastructure that operates this market subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley is supported by the tourism facilities and entities listed below:

  1. "Canímar Abajo" Camping Base (Accommodation-Mintur)
  2. "Río Canímar" Camping Base (Accommodation-Mintur)
  3. "Rio Canímar" Nautical Base (Extrahotel-Mintur)
  4. "La Arboleda" Cultural Recreation Center (Extrahotel-Mintur)

These tourist facilities, according to their corporate purpose, offer a varied range of physical-recreational activities to visitors who arrive to the Valley, either individually or organized by operating agencies, generally located in the Varadero Tourist Region that promotes nature tourism (Adventure).

Table 1. Adventure tourism activities and institution that organizes their practice in the "Río Canímar" Valley

Institution or Entity

TA Activities


“Canímar Abajo” Camping Base



Boat Rides


Water bike




Guided walk to “El Morillo” beach


Observation of the flora and fauna of the place


Observation of the sunset and sunrise from the mouth of the Canímar river


“Río Canímar”
Camping Base



Boat Rides


Water bike




Observation of the Flora and Fauna of the place


“Río Canímar” Nautical Base

Tour by speedboat from the facility to the “La Arboleda” Recreation Center


Tour by medium draft boat from the facility to the “La Arboleda” Recreation Center


Observation of sunsets in the Matanzas bay from boats


Recreational or Contemplative Diving


“La Arboleda” Cultural Recreation Center

Horse Riding


River crossing by barge


Jeep Safari Varadero - La Arboleda


Jeep Safari Varadero - Nautical Base and from there access by sailing along the river until you reach La Arboleda


Excursion to old buildings that belonged to old coffee plantations from the 18th and 19th centuries, including: El Tumbadero and El Monticello


Fuente: Own elaboration

As shown in table 1, the study identifies the adventure activities offered in the area, which, together with other types practiced in this area, attracts an annual average of foreign visitors that exceeds 70,000 tourists, according to statistics provided by Petersson Roldán et al. (2021).

This scenario makes it possible to raise fresh foreign currency in each of the Mintur offering entities and the new forms of non-state management (Self-employed Workers, Micro, Small and medium Enterprises and Nonagricultural Cooperatives) present in the area, where, through the reasonable use of these amounts, according to social objectives of these parties involved, contributes to the development and diversification of the market subsegment itself in the territory, regardless of the fact that this tourist typology is regulated under high environmental standards that emanate from the strict control of the carrying capacity to be supported by the different ecosystems used, regarding: the number and frequency of daily visits, aspects that together guarantee the environmental and economic sustainability of this process.

Direct participation of residents in Adventure Tourism activities

The progressive decentralization process that the country is experiencing, with the consequent empowerment of local government structures, allows the tourism sector to be visualized as a feasible activity to be decentralized, which can emanate from the Municipality's Development Strategy itself. In the particular case of the Canímar Popular Council of the Matanzas municipality, the community promotes tourist activities that are inherent to the territory in accordance with its natural tourist heritage, under the potential attractions of the area, generating income and jobs for the actors and to the community involved.

There is also a growing trend of private and residential sector actors participating in the development of the adventure subsegment:

  1. Private landlords who disseminate and encourage the practice of Adventure Tourism activities among their clients.
  2. Presence of artisans and/or artists who in their creations offer items related to the traditions and idiosyncrasies of the place.
  3. Conception in the programs and itineraries of activities, visits and exchanges with residents and farmers in the area.
  4. Presence of native guides and activists of the place.
  5. Political and mass organizations with zonal functionality, committed to the care and preservation of the environment.

Materialization of intersectoral agreements in support of the AT

Intersectoral coordination is expressed in actions aimed at the gradual involvement of different actors in the decision-making process, aiming at the effective solution of problems, for which it is necessary to generate adequate spaces to share leadership, resources, strategic lines, opportunities and carry out joint planning.

This intersectorality is evident in the area, through the coordinated intervention of representative institutions from more than one state sector, with actions aimed, in whole or in part, at addressing the problems linked to the practice of adventure tourism activities in the "Rio Canimar" Valley and the sustainability of this process.

Example of this:

  1. Joint work agreement of the Cuban Red Cross with institutions or organizations with administrative responsibility for spas and/or river or beach areas.
  2. Joint work agreement between Campismo and the Municipal Directorate of Culture in Matanzas ("El Morrillo" Memorial Museum).
  3. Joint work agreement between Campismo and the Municipal Sports Directorate in Matanzas.
  4. Protection and Guard Agreement of the Cementerio Aborigen, which is located in the area of "Canímar Abajo" Camping Facility, formulated between the "El Morrillo" Memorial Museum, an institution that has administrative responsibility for the place and the camping facility itself.
  5. Joint work strategies between the tourist facilities operating in the Valley, the Forest Guard Corps, the Company for the Protection of Flora and Fauna and the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment on the sustainable management of natural resources of the place, the prevention of fires and the confrontation with indiscriminate hunting and fishing activities in favor of prosperous and resilient adventure tourism.

Generation of employment in the sector and through new forms of non-state management associated with adventure tourism activity in the area

It is undeniable that, by promoting a tourist destination with a certain offer, employment is offered not only directly in hotels, restaurants and other tourism companies, but also in supplier sectors such as agriculture, fishing, crafts, manufacturing, among others. Regarding this, it should be noted that these areas of employment, originated by the tourism sector in the area, drive the change that tourism itself generates in the sectoral distribution of employment, given that the population employed in the tertiary sector increases at the expense, fundamentally, from the primary sector and also from the secondary sector.

In recent years, new forms of non-state management have experienced rapid development, which reinforces their role as a generator of employment, which makes it possible to take advantage of internal capital (savings) or external capital (such as remittances) depending on the generation of value in the economy, in a way that complements the role of the State as an investor.

Regarding the above, the authors, considering community work from an endogenous perspective, infer that this should not be seen as an action carried out by agents of change external to the community, who, although they play an important role in raising citizens' awareness, They do not penetrate its entire interiority, so it is necessary to promote actions that arise from within it, so that men and women responsible for solving their own problems are recognized therein.

An example of this is in the area:

  1. Private transporters that, taking advantage of the tourist attractions and the offer of adventure recreational activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley, have made their piquera facilities or travel destinations, mainly with national tourism clients.
  2. Proliferation of gastronomic activities (restaurants, cafeterias, private landlords with food included, among others) in the area, supported by the increase in the number of national and foreign visitors.
  3. Increase in the contracting of services from Self-Employed Workers, Non-Agricultural Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by Mintur entities operating in the Valley, with preference for the area, for the realization of construction maintenance, cleaning and sanitization of premises, redesign of signage, among other construction actions.

Materialization of educational actions for children and adults on the care and preservation of the environment (coastal and river ecosystems)

  1. In the area, educational actions are carried out from the "Sí por Cuba" Primary School, among which the student interest circles aimed at conscious training in the care and protection of the environment and local history stand out. These are organized in correspondence with the general regulations established for vocational training work, which indicate the content of the topics and the voluntary selection by each student of the topic to choose, according to their likes and concern. In each case, the themes are applied by the center's management, taking into account the particularities of the territory (tourist area with potential natural resources) and the number of students the school has.
  2. Another stronghold in this sense is the University of Matanzas, which as an institution of Cuban Higher Education projects from its network of faculties a scientific strategy open to the community where it is located, through the conception of projects aimed at enhancing scientific policies. -techniques of the country. As part of these processes, the Management of Physical Culture Processes Project arises from the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the center itself; from the research line/task: Management and quality of Physical Recreation, specific subtasks are drawn towards the study of recreational activities in nature and adventure tourism in the "Río Canímar" Valley, with research results presented at national and international events, with publications of articles in certified sites and journals.

Scientific production as support for the AT development process in the "Río Canímar" Valley

As an emerging and necessary way to strengthen and increase the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley, an organizational strategy is conceived as a scientific result of a master's thesis from the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the University of Matanzas, which continues to expand its study and application in the selected area in search of providing conclusive results that support a novel solution to its scientific problem, resulting in a doctoral thesis at the same institution.

This research seeks to enhance adventure tourism activities as sustainable physical recreation in the "Río Canímar" Valley and increases the recreational options for adventure lovers, benefiting the integration with other gastronomic and leisure activities in the area. It is applicable to all operational tourist infrastructure in the "Río Canímar" Valley and, in it, actions are outlined that redesign physical recreational adventure activities through the use of valuable natural and cultural resources, together with the adequate preparation of their human resources, as essential components in the practice of this tourism modality, converting the process of educational-physical-recreational activities into identity, pride and tradition of the place.

Results of the application of the interviews and surveys applied to the professors of the Faculties of Physical Culture Sciences and Business Sciences of the University of Matanzas, to the workers of the sector and to the inhabitants of the "Río Canímar" Valley

1. Results of the survey applied to workers in the tourism sector who work in the facilities of the "Río Canímar" Valley

A total of 33 people was surveyed (13 female and 20 male), from different age groups, who were selected randomly, with the aim of collecting information, opinions and evaluations about the current state of the practice of adventure tourism activities, in relation to the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation.

This instrument was applied during the months of September-December 2022, by a research group from the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the University of Matanzas, made up of two (2) teachers and eight (8) students, all associated with the institutional project "Management of Physical Culture processes" in the project task "Management of Physical Recreation", in addition to responding to a doctoral research topic of the same house of higher studies.

Below are the results obtained from this instrument:

  1. The workers surveyed have an average working time in the tourism sector of 23.7 years, during which they express an average specific work in the "Río Canímar" Valley of 11.8 years.
  2. To the question of whether they consider that the operation of the Adventure Tourism market subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley is economically feasible for the sector responsible for its offer, 29 workers representing 87.9% of the total sample respond affirmatively, while the remaining four, which represent 12.1% of the total, claim to be unaware of the matter.
  3. When asked how they would rate the behavior of tourists who practice any of the adventure activities offered in the Valley, in relation to the care and preservation of the environment, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as orly Suitable" and the highest as "Very Suitable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total of the responses given by the 33 workers gave a result of 8.7; therefore, this aspect can be classified as: very adequate.
  4. When asked how they would rate the behavior of tourists who visit the Valley in relation to the conduct and respect shown to workers in the sector and residents of the district, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the extreme The lower one is expressed as "Poorly Suitable" and the upper one is expressed as "Very Suitable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total of the responses given by the 33 workers gave a result of 9.3; therefore, this aspect can be classified as: very adequate.
  5. To the question of whether the expansion of this tourist category is considered viable in relation to the human, material and natural resources that the area has, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as "Unlikely" and the upper one as "Very Probable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total of the responses given by the 33 workers gave a result of 8.6; therefore, this aspect can be classified as: very probable.
  6. When asked how much they would recommend this type of tourism practice to other locations or areas with similar potential, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as "Unlikely" and the upper end as "Very Probable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total responses given by the 33 workers gave a result of 9.8; Therefore, this aspect can be classified as: very probable.

2. Results of the survey applied to the residents or inhabitants of the "Río Canímar" Valley

A total of 70 people were surveyed (37 female and 33 male), from different age groups, who were selected randomly, with the aim of collecting information, opinions and evaluations about the current state of the adventure tourism activities practice in the area, in relation to the sustainable coexistence of this offer and the harmonious actions of the inhabitants in this community.

This instrument was applied during the months of September-December 2022 by a research group from the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the University of Matanzas, made up of two (2) teachers and eight (8) students, all associated with the institutional project. "Management of Physical Culture processes" in the project task "Management of Physical Recreation", in addition to responding to a doctoral research topic from the same house of higher studies.

Below are the results obtained from this instrument:

  1. The length of residence as a neighbor of the "Río Canímar" Valley of the surveyed sample expresses an average of 38.7 years.
  2. 21% (15 people) of the total surveyed work in the tourism sector in the area or their work directly impacts this sector.
  3. 27% (19 people) of the total surveyed carry out some of the new forms of non-state management with a direct impact on the tourism sector, of which 9 people, representing 12.9% of the total, carry out their work activities in the own place of residence.
  4. When asked if they consider the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the area to be positive, 80 % (56 people) of the total respondents responded affirmatively, while the remaining 20% stated that they were unaware of the matter.
  5. When asked if they consider that this tourist offer is presented as a component of added value to the new forms of non-state management with presence or operation in the Valley, 70% (49 people) of the total surveyed responded affirmatively, while 30% remaining states that they are unaware of the matter.
  6. When asked how they would rate the behavior of tourists who practice any of the adventure activities offered in the Valley, in relation to the care and preservation of the environment, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as "Poorly Suitable" and the highest as "Very Suitable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total of the answers given by the 70 people surveyed gave a result of 9.0, so this aspect can be classified as: very suitable.
  7. When asked how they would rate the behavior of tourists who visit the Valley in relation to the conduct and respect shown to the residents of the district, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as "Poorly Adequate" and the upper one as "Very Adequate", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total responses provided by the 70 people surveyed gave a result of 8.3, so this aspect can be classified as very adequate.
  8. When asked how much they would recommend this type of tourism practice to other locations or areas with similar potential, offering a Likert scale with values from 0 to 10, where the lower end is expressed as "Unlikely" and the upper end as "Very Likely". Probable", the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the total responses provided by the 70 people surveyed, gave a result of 8.9, so this aspect can be classified as: very probable.

3. Results of the interview applied to the professors of the Faculties of Physical Culture Sciences and Business Sciences of the University of Matanzas

A survey was applied to seven professors with academic and research performance in the area of Physical Recreation and Tourism, belonging to the Faculties of Physical Culture Sciences and Business Sciences of the University of Matanzas, who hold the Principal Teaching Category of Full Professor and the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science, offering the following result.

  1. 100 % of the professors stated that they had knowledge about the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley area, while at the same time they stated that they had maintained some type of work, academic and research exchange from their professional profile with the study area.
  2. 57.14% of the professors surveyed rated the Adventure Tourism practices offered as Very Attractive in terms of tastes, preferences and recreational interests of the participating tourist population, while the rest (42.86%) gave it a rating of Attractive.
  3. 71.42% of the professors consulted rated the management of environmental practices and the application of sustainability criteria in the various Adventure Tourism programs offered as Very Adequate, while the remaining teachers (28.57%) viewed it as Adequate.
  4. 71.42% of the professors surveyed issued a rating of Very Adequate when evaluating the adventure tourism offer in the "Río Canímar" Valley, taking into account the behavior of indicators such as: economic benefit of the sector, supply and generation of direct and indirect jobs and respect for the native traditions of the region, while the remaining professors (28.57%) classified it as Adequate and Not Adequate.
  5. 85.71% of the professors consulted classified the practice of Adventure Tourism in the "Río Canímar" Valley, considering the influence exerted on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation as Very Positive, while the remaining professor (14.28 %) issued a Positive rating.

After the analyzes carried out and the interpretation of the applied instruments, the authors agree on the following regularities:

  1. The "Río Canímar" Valley constitutes a favorable setting for the practice of Adventure Tourism.
  2. A physical-recreational adventure offer is presented, tempered to the conditions of the place (traditions and history).
  3. Aspects that generate environmental, social and economic sustainability are evident.
  4. The university-company link is materialized, while intersectoral relationships are made viable.
  5. Presence of natural and cultural attractions (tangible and intangible) with great local, provincial and national significance.
  6. Existence of human resources with the capacity to lead and direct adventure tourism activity.
  7. Linking new forms of non-state management with the development process of adventure tourism activities.
  8. Assimilation of the activity by the receiving community.
  9. Projects and research materialize that provide a scientific solution to the main problems faced by this practice.

The regularities stated above structure the development achieved by the Adventure Tourism market subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley, based on the fulfillment of the objectives set and the conception of results focused on the management of responsible and sustainable management, coinciding with what expressed by Vásquez Giler et al. (2020) by establishing that "companies must carry out technical and sustainable management of resources, in addition, encourage their workers, suppliers and clients to care for and preserve the environment in a constant and voluntary manner".

In this way, "adventure tourism represents a development opportunity for rural communities, as it favors the participation of local actors in the various non-agricultural economic activities that contribute to economic and social development" (Quiñónez Bedón et al., 2019, p. 133).

Within this vast scenario, the positive influence exerted by the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation is recognized, the leading and co-responsible participation of the main socioeconomic actors is evident. of the territory and the conception of local development assumed by the entities offering adventure activities in the area and the local population themselves.

Other elements to consider as significant results of this practice in the demarcation are: the generation of jobs, training of human resources, sustainable use of territorial resources, revaluation of local culture and the historical and social heritage of the area.

The study considers the leading role of geographical space, considering it as an active collective subject, with its own personality, as a specific development resource, with intrinsic value, capable of adding value to the activities that take place in it in an environment of cooperation and consultation, provided that the integrity of territorial interests is maintained in the processes of structural change and the sustainability of the process is conceived.



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Conflict of interest

Authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


Authors' contribution

Julio Cesar Rodríguez Ugalde carried out the design and assembly of the research, analysis and interpretation of the data and drafting of the manuscript.

Arcelio Ezequiel Fernández González and Ónix Edelma Pestana Mercader participated in the design and assessment of the research and revision of the manuscript.

Ariel Romeu Martínez participated in the analysis and interpretation of the data.

All the authors reviewed the writing of the manuscript and approve the version finally submitted.


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