Cooperativismo y Desarrollo, January-April 2025; 13(1), e788
Translated from the original in Spanish
Experience of good practices
System of prospective actions for the disasters prevention in farms of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
Sistema de acciones prospectivas para la prevención de desastres en fincas del Polo Productivo "Hermanos Barcón"
Sistema de ações prospectivas para a prevenção de desastres em fazendas do Polo Produtivo "Hermanos Barcón"
Tania González Vázquez1 0009-0004-5611-2527
Raymundo Vento Tielves2 0000-0002-1480-7783
Carlos Llanes Burón3 0000-0001-6632-1761
1 Génesis. Architecture and Engineering Projects Company of Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
2 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río, Cuba.
3 Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría". Havana, Cuba.
Received: 8/10/2024
Accepted: 3/02/2025
Climate change significantly affects agricultural production processes, due to its influence on the increase in temperatures and climate change, which severely increases the occurrence and intensity of extreme events. These reasons justify the present work in agricultural production cooperatives located in the southern plains of the province of Pinar del Río, an area characterized as an agroecosystem of marked vulnerability to the effects of climate change. The objective of the research is to propose a system of prospective actions of Environmental Management, which increases resilience and response capacity on hazards, vulnerabilities and risk to extreme events, in farms of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole. The methods used include theoretical and empirical methods, together with the application of the Delphi Method for the definition of indicators for the preparation of disaster risk and vulnerability maps, and the user satisfaction method or Iadov technique used for the validation of the action plan. The results obtained show that the farms diagnosed have a high level of risk and vulnerability, as they are located in an area that is highly susceptible to extreme events and latent threats due to climate change. The application of the system of prospective actions allows greater preparedness to face climate change and increases the capacity to respond to extreme events by increasing resilience, which guarantees the development of more sustainable agricultural and livestock production.
Keywords: agriculture; extreme events; climate change; hazard; vulnerability; risk.
El cambio climático afecta de manera sensible los procesos de producción agropecuaria, debido a su influencia en el aumento de las temperaturas y las modificaciones del clima, que incrementa de manera severa la ocurrencia e intensidad de eventos extremos. Estas razones justifican el presente trabajo en cooperativas de producción agropecuarias ubicadas en la llanura sur de la provincia de Pinar del Río, área caracterizada por ser un agroecosistema de marcada vulnerabilidad a los efectos del cambio climático. La investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de acciones prospectivas de Gestión Ambiental, que incremente la resiliencia y capacidad de respuesta sobre los peligros, vulnerabilidades y riesgo ante eventos extremos, en fincas del Polo Productivo "Hermanos Barcón". Los métodos empleados incluyen métodos teóricos y métodos empíricos, unidos a la aplicación del Método Delphi para la definición de indicadores para la confección de los mapas de riesgo y vulnerabilidad ante desastres, y el método de satisfacción de usuarios o técnica de Iadov se emplea para la validación del plan de acciones. Los resultados alcanzados evidencian que las fincas diagnosticadas presentan un alto nivel de riesgo y vulnerabilidad, al estar asentadas en una zona muy susceptible a los embates de eventos extremos y las amenazas latentes al cambio climático. La aplicación del sistema de acciones prospectivas permite una mayor preparación para el enfrentamiento al cambio climático y aumenta la capacidad de respuesta ante eventos extremo, al incrementar la resiliencia que garantiza el desarrollo de producciones agropecuarias más sostenibles.
Palabras clave: agricultura; eventos extremos; cambio climático; peligro; vulnerabilidad; riesgo.
As mudanças climáticas afetam significativamente os processos de produção agrícola, devido à sua influência no aumento das temperaturas e nas mudanças climáticas, que aumentam severamente a ocorrência e a intensidade de eventos extremos. Essas razões justificam o presente trabalho em cooperativas de produção agrícola localizadas nas planícies do sul da província de Pinar del Río, uma área caracterizada como um agroecossistema de acentuada vulnerabilidade aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. A pesquisa tem como objetivo propor um sistema de ações prospectivas de gestão ambiental para aumentar a resiliência e a capacidade de resposta a perigos, vulnerabilidades e riscos diante de eventos extremos nas fazendas do Polo de Produção "Hermanos Barcón". Os métodos utilizados incluem métodos teóricos e empíricos, juntamente com a aplicação do método Delphi para a definição de indicadores para a elaboração de mapas de risco e vulnerabilidade a desastres, e o método de satisfação do usuário ou técnica Iadov é usado para a validação do plano de ação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as fazendas diagnosticadas apresentam um alto nível de risco e vulnerabilidade, pois estão localizadas em uma área altamente suscetível ao ataque de eventos extremos e às ameaças latentes das mudanças climáticas. A aplicação do sistema de ações prospectivas permite maior preparo para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas e aumenta a capacidade de resposta a eventos extremos, aumentando a resiliência que garante o desenvolvimento de uma produção agrícola mais sustentável.
Palavras-chave: agricultura; eventos extremos; mudança climática; perigo; vulnerabilidade; risco.
Climate change is a great challenge for humanity and especially for island countries. It is also emerging as a global challenge, generating great concern in the scientific community and the productive sectors, mainly due to the potential impacts that a changing climate can have on natural systems, society and production of goods and services, where its negative effects seriously compromise their economic, political, social and ecological development (Barreira Rodríguez & García O'Reilly, 2023; Dávila Cevallos, 2023).
In the agricultural sector in Cuba, there are a series of important challenges that must be faced with appropriate techniques and technologies. It has been observed for some years in Cuba that climatic changes are occurring as a reflection of global phenomena and the particularities of Cuban geography. These changes have had repercussions on the production of some agricultural crops, for these reasons, it is very important to implement strategies and develop tools that facilitate the adaptation of agriculture to the changes that the climate is experiencing and will continue to experience in the future (García Álvarez, 2020).
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2023) states that global warming and climate change have resulted in more frequent and more intense extreme weather events that have generated increasingly dangerous impacts on nature and people in all regions of the world. The solution lies in achieving climate-resilient development, which implies integrating climate change adaptation measures with actions aimed at reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, and for these decisions to be effective, they must be based on scientific and local knowledge, contributing to an approach that will facilitate climate-resilient development and generate locally appropriate and socially acceptable solutions.
In response to these fundamentals, the Republic of Cuba in its Official Gazette, in Law 150/2022 of the System of Natural Resources and the Environment, in its Article 16 clause "h" establishes "the prevention and rehabilitation with respect to the occurrence of hazards of natural, technological and sanitary origin that include the provision of the necessary resources for these purposes and consider the results of the studies of Danger, Vulnerability and Risks, as well as the economic valuation of the environmental impacts and damages".
Given its preventive and preventive nature in its statement and in order to respond to these priorities and demands, the research is developed in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole, belonging to the Tobacco Collection and Processing Company of Pinar del Río, located in the southern plain of Pinar del Río, with a high level of degradation and marked vulnerability to climate change, in order to develop a study of Hazard, Vulnerability and Risks in this scenario.
The identified problem is defined as: What factors influence the limited capacity to face and respond to hazards, vulnerabilities and risks before disasters in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole, in the municipality of Pinar del Río?
The formulated objective is defined in proposing a system of prospective actions of Environmental Management, which increases resilience and response capacity on the hazards, vulnerabilities and risk to extreme events, in farms of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole.
In order to fulfill the objective, methods, techniques and procedures were used that facilitated the collection and processing of information to solve the research problem. The following theoretical and empirical methods were used:
The population of producers in the community, linked to the Productive Pole, comprises a universe of 70 farmers or producers of that population, the size of the sample to be surveyed was determined for a finite population, and the following equation was applied:
On this basis, the following calculation is performed:
Calculated sample of workers to be surveyed takes the value of 52 farmers or producers and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is used to obtain the result.
The Delphi Method expert system was applied to define indicators for the creation of disaster risk and vulnerability maps, as a preliminary step to the creation of the prospective action plan.
The effectiveness of the action plan was validated through the user satisfaction method or Iadov technique.
Characterization of the "Hermanos Barcon Productive Pole" environment
The research was carried out in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole in the municipality of Pinar del Río, belonging to the Tobacco Collection and Processing Company of Pinar del Río, located in Las Taironas Popular Council. This productive unit has an area of 2141.41 ha dedicated to agricultural production, located 18 km south of the city of Pinar del Río. It is bordered on the north by the road to Sitio and El Punto reservoir, on the south by the town of 23 of the road to La Coloma and lands of the Empresa Forestal Integral Pinar del Río, on the east by the areas of the Empresa Forestal Integral de Pinar del Río and on the west by the road to La Coloma.
The natural conditions of the environment are characterized by:
The climate can be considered within the tropical humid savanna bioclimate classification and the fundamental variables that determine its behavior are:
The geographical location of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole places it in the southern plains of Pinar del Río, with a high level of degradation and marked vulnerability to Climate Change, with the negative influence of the coastal environments and its proximity to that area, which significantly influences its agroecological processes.
Methodological foundations to establish a system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster prevention
Throughout the process of perfecting Cuba's disaster reduction strategy, the scope of actions to estimate and reduce the risks of the different hazards affecting the country has been deepened. This has been influenced by the implementation, in 2005, of Directive No. 1 of the Vice President of the National Defense Council, which has been improved. In 2010, the second edition of this directive was published, and today it has been updated in 2022 as a tool that facilitates the identification of measures and decision making to reduce risks, taking into account the studies and research on hazards, vulnerabilities and disaster risks that the Risk Assessment Group of the Environment Agency has developed.
The basis of the strategy must take into account the various classifications for events, phenomena or occurrences, which can also be extrapolated to disasters. For example, it is possible to classify them:
These classifications facilitate their study and understanding and, above all, clarify the ways to adequately deal with disasters and establish strategies to mitigate their effects and prevent them.
Recognizing that disaster hazards are not only associated with natural, sanitary or technological hazards, but are closely related to vulnerabilities in the national territory due to its island characteristics, the present work is developed for disaster prevention in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole, due to the importance of agricultural production for the province, given the level of vulnerability of agricultural production that takes place in open environments, with the threat of external factors that have a significant impact on the agroecosystems where these processes are carried out.
In order to achieve a successful system of prospective Environmental Management actions to increase resilience and response capacity to hazards, vulnerabilities and risk in the face of extreme events, many important components must be considered:
The integration of these components will allow an effective Environmental Management, with a real prospective character for the prevention and confrontation of the possible dangers, vulnerabilities and risks that may arise in the environment of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole.
Perception of the producers of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole on hazards, vulnerability and risk to extreme events
In order to carry out the environmental diagnosis based on the perception of the Productive Pole producers, the methodology for the community environmental diagnosis for research purposes from the academic graduate program recommended by Linares Guerra et al. (2021) was used as a basis.
On this basis, a survey was conducted to determine the level of capacity to identify hazards, vulnerabilities and latent risks in the environment and their relationship with the climate change scenario, as well as their interaction with the productive processes developed in the entity.
The survey conducted among the 52 producers of the related Productive Pole revealed the following criteria and ideas about their perception and capacity to face hazards, vulnerabilities and risks in the face of extreme events, and the following conclusions can be drawn from the information obtained.
The results of the survey to producers show that there is no consolidated knowledge on issues related to environmental legislation and environmental culture in general, due to the lack of training programs that systematically address these issues to achieve greater preparedness to face climate change, coinciding with the results obtained by Hernández Páez et al. (2021).
Another important element to highlight is that, in general, respondents recognize that they lack preparation on environmental issues and, in particular, on how to deal with the problems of climate change, as well as the dangers, vulnerabilities and risks that this implies.
In summary, this result shows that climate change causes over time a series of phenomena that modify and destabilize the parameters established for the climate of a place, during the annual cycle of temperature, precipitation and atmospheric movement, which is accentuated by the anthropic effects that cause an increase in deforestation, soil degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and the deterioration of biodiversity. All this increases vulnerability and associated risks in agroecosystems (Paucar Chanca et al., 2024).
Diagnosis of the main hazards, vulnerabilities and possible risks that may occur in the surroundings of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
Main hazards of natural origin that may originate in the ecosystem
Main vulnerabilities that can originate in the ecosystem
Within physical vulnerability, three types have been differentiated: Structural, Non-Structural and Functional.
Main risks that may originate in the ecosystem
Risk is the magnitude of losses in human lives, economic losses and interruption of social activities of a territory, community or facility due to the conjunction or correlation between a hazard, the vulnerability of the elements in exposure and the capacity of its members to avoid its conversion into an event of disaster magnitude.
Based on this diagnosis, there is evidence of the need to create hazard, vulnerability and risk maps for extreme events, together with prospective actions to address them.
Definition of indicators for the construction of hazard, vulnerability and risk maps
In the methodologies developed, the study of vulnerability hazards and disaster risks to extreme meteorological events (strong winds, floods, droughts, others) in the Agriculture sector in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole in the municipality of Pinar del Río is carried out, which implies the creation of maps and the design of prospective actions of Environmental Management for the prevention of disaster risk in this environment. An expert consultation was carried out with the application of the Delphi Method, according to Ramírez Chávez and Ramírez Torres (2024) to effectively determine the indicators to be specified for a correct evaluation of the problem to be investigated, as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Proposed variables and indicators for assessing hazards, vulnerability and disaster risk
No. |
Variables |
Indicator |
1 |
Climate and weather conditions |
Droughts |
Floods |
Temperatures |
Heavy rain and hail |
High winds, tornadoes, thunderstorms, cyclones, storms |
Soil moisture (water deficit) |
2 |
Geographic |
Area prone to natural disasters |
Topography |
Type of soil |
Susceptibility to erosion |
Distance from the sea |
Water resources network |
3 |
Types of crops |
Temporary |
Permanent |
Crop yields |
Resilience |
Deforestation |
Vegetative cover |
4 |
Infrastructure and technologies |
Irrigation systems |
Availability of machinery |
Available infrastructure |
Infrastructure vulnerability |
5 |
Human Resources |
Availability of workforce |
Preparation of human capital |
Training programs |
Relevance and commitment |
6 |
Market and supply chain supplies |
Storage capacities |
Availability of access roads |
Mobility capacity |
Vulnerability of its flow |
Market availability |
7 |
Socioeconomic |
Population density |
Population centers |
Satisfaction of needs |
Source: Adapted from Ramírez Chávez and Ramírez Torres (2024)
In the final evaluation of the surveys applied to the experts, it was determined that the seven variables identified constitute factors directly involved in the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to extreme weather events (strong winds, floods and intense droughts), with the highest percentage values for climate and weather conditions, types of crops, geography, infrastructure and technology.
The result expressed by the experts corroborates the expression of previous works, which likewise coincide with these variables and indicators to take into account in the studies developed on issues of development of maps and actions for disaster risk prevention in the face of extreme events, from the environmental point of view in ecosystems (Cedeño Hidalgo et al., 2019; Nazco Torres et al., 2022).
Risk estimation
To calculate the level of expected destruction or loss, mathematically expressed as the probability of exceeding a certain level of economic and social consequences in a certain place and time, the probability of a disaster occurring is also indicated. It is expressed through the following formula:
To the extent that its value is close to the value "0", the hazard or vulnerability is very unlikely that a disaster could occur.
Vulnerability calculation
To calculate vulnerability, the general vulnerability equation was taken into account, in which all the indicators classified as important and very important were analyzed, taking into account the types of crops per tenant and the cultivated areas, which were in turn used to calculate each of the variables and indicators, normalizing them against the cultivated area per tenant, The most vulnerable areas to each phenomenon (floods, droughts, water deficit, strong winds) were determined for each tenant and crop, following the criteria of 100% for very important indicators, 67% for important indicators, and 33% for moderately important indicators. Finally, the total vulnerability of the Productive Pole to a given hazard is the sum of all its vulnerabilities, calculated independently, assuming a vulnerability value for each tenure of agricultural production farms according to the Saffir/Simpson hurricane scale (SS1-SS5), where its value is divided by 100 to limit the value between 0 and 1, and is reported in decimals.
On this basis, the vulnerability of each tenure of the producers of the agricultural production farms present in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole is calculated.
Vulnerability and risk map of the agroecosystems present in the agricultural production farms integrated to the "Hermanos Barcon" Productive Pole
The cartographic output of the vulnerability and risk characteristics of the agroecosystems that make up the farms integrated to the Productive Pole will be based on from the use of Geographic Information Systems, with classification attributes (Jalane et al., 2024) and all the information related to each element that is part of the different vulnerabilities.
According to the elements exposed to the risk, this is expressed in the number of people affected or damages and expected economic losses and can be considered for a given moment or for a given period. With the use of the formula the Specific Risk was calculated, the intervals for the classification of hazard intensity are as follows: (0.00000-0.06779) Low Range; (0.06780-0.13558) Medium Range and (0.13559-0.20337) High Range for the return periods corresponding to hurricanes.
The calculation yielded a Specific Risk of 0.203 (representing a High Risk), concluding that, out of 73 plots, 14 have Medium Risk for 16% and 59 have high Specific Risk for 84%. Based on these results, a risk map was drawn up representing the different types of risk for each tenure of the cooperatives' farms located in the Productive Pole, clearly showing their stratification and highlighting the elements of risk to the different hazards. Figure 1 shows the Specific Risk map of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole.
Figure 1. Specific Risk Map of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
Source: Own elaboration
Vulnerability ranges: (0-25) Low Vulnerability; (25-54) Medium Vulnerability; (54-100) High Vulnerability. The calculations showed that for the five ranges of hurricane categories, the holdings of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole acquire a medium category, since they are between the ranges 0.25 and 0.54. With the calculated values, the vulnerability maps of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole were prepared, representing the holders of the areas in each farm of the agroecosystem. Figure 2 shows the vulnerability map of the farms, according to the Saffir/Simpson hurricane scale (SS1-SS5).
Figure 2. Vulnerability map of farms for hurricanes SS1-SS5
Source: Own elaboration
The risk and vulnerability maps show the susceptibility to extreme events of the territory where the farms of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole are located; these maps indicate that there are favorable conditions to be affected by extreme climatic events such as heavy rains, strong winds, hurricanes and floods, given its proximity to the coast and the edaphoclimatic conditions of the environment, These maps indicate that there are favorable conditions to be affected by extreme weather events such as heavy rains, strong winds, hurricanes and floods, given its proximity to the coast and the soil and climatic conditions of the environment, coupled with the lack of protection of agroecosystems due to deforestation and degradation of biodiversity, which causes a higher level of fragility of the environment to these phenomena.
To reduce the level of vulnerability and risk, the response capacity of farmers and their farms must be increased, which is related to mapping out actions to develop the capacity to withstand events and recover their agricultural functions and infrastructure.
The "response capacity" of the farms depends on the actions developed to reduce the risks of climatic events, allowing them to survive, resist and recover from the damage caused by such phenomena, which demonstrates the need to design proactive actions to minimize the negative effects of these extreme events.
System of prospective actions based on the environmental problems diagnosed in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
The general structure of the prospective action system according to the environmental problems diagnosed in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole is shown in table 2 below.
Table 2. General structure of the prospective action system according to the environmental problems diagnosed in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
No. |
Environmental problem |
Shares |
1 |
Lack of environmental culture and preparedness to face extreme events. |
2 |
Limited capacity to address hazards, vulnerabilities and risks. |
3 |
Zone vulnerable to climatological phenomena, which causes environmental risks. |
Source: Own elaboration
Prospective actions designed to address the environmental problems diagnosed require procedures to ensure their management and compliance, described below.
The implementation of these procedures allows fostering greater resilience and response capacity of agroecosystems to hazards, vulnerability and risk in the face of extreme events, since it allows the prospective actions of Environmental Management to contribute to the solution of existing problems in the agroecosystem of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
System of prospective actions for Environmental Management in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole based on extreme events
The development of the system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster risk prevention in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole, based on extreme events, is characterized by the following actions.
Strong winds
Intense rains
Intense droughts
The system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster risk prevention allows contributing to the increase of knowledge, perception, commitment and participation of all producers and the community to effectively face the impacts of extreme events and, in particular, the effects of climate change.
Validation of the system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster risk prevention in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole
The validation of the system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster risk prevention applied to the community of producers of the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole of Pinar del Río consisted of a sample of 78 actors involved in the production process; of them, 70 producers belonging to the cooperatives, two producers to Base Business Units inserted to the Productive Pole and 6 managers of the main entity. The application of this survey with the Iadov technique showed the following results.
The result of this validation shows that 51.3 % of the respondents express "clear satisfaction" and 30.8 % argue that they feel "more satisfied than dissatisfied" with the implementation of the system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for disaster risk prevention in the "Hermanos Barcón" Productive Pole of Pinar del Río.
The Group Satisfaction Index achieved is 0.6, which means an index of satisfaction with the proposal, considering that the Iadov technique establishes the range of 0.5 to 1 as an indicator of satisfaction according to Fernández de Castro Fabre and López Padrón (2014), which shows a positive assessment for the implementation of the prospective actions system.
The respondents' main criteria in the open-ended questions on user satisfaction are:
The study revealed that the farms diagnosed have a high level of risk and vulnerability, as they are located in an area that is highly susceptible to the effects of extreme events and the latent threats of climate change.
The system of prospective actions of Environmental Management for the prevention of hazards, vulnerabilities and risks to disasters, achieves with its application a greater preparedness to face climate change and, in turn, a greater capacity to respond to extreme events, given the increase of its resilience that guarantees the development of more sustainable agricultural and livestock productions.
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Conflict of interest
Authors declare no conflict of interests.
Authors' contribution
Tania González Vázquez and Raymundo Vento Tielve participated in the conception, study design and preparation of the draft.
Carlos Llanes Burón participated in the research design and interpretation of the data collected.
All the authors reviewed the writing of the manuscript and approve the version finally submitted.