Cooperativismo y Desarrollo, September-December 2024; 12(3), e727
Translated from the original in Spanish


Original article

Procedure for workforce management in function of local development


Procedimiento para la gestión de la fuerza de trabajo en función del desarrollo local


Procedimento para a gestão da força de trabalho para o desenvolvimento local


Daymara Pedroso Fabré1 0009-0000-1048-5185
Brígido García Páez2 0000-0003-4094-7453
Tania Vargas Fernández2 0000-0003-4285-682X
Alina Hernández Martín3 0009-0002-7959-1001
Carlos Cesar Torres Paez2 0000-0001-7956-5079

1 Integral and Tobacco Company Consolación del Sur. Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, Cuba.
2 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Faculty of Economic Sciences. Center of Studies on Management, Local Development, Tourism and Cooperativism (CE-GESTA). Pinar del Río, Cuba.
3 Provincial Labor Directorate. Pinar del Río, Cuba.


Received: 22/03/2024
Accepted: 12/09/2024


Development processes in cooperative enterprises and associations play an increasingly important role for rural and urban municipalities and create an opportunity for the future. Professional training with high qualification standards is intensifying and the interest of capital with new control methods is growing, elements that qualify the reproduction of the workforce towards higher qualification. This article proposes a procedure for the management of the workforce in agricultural companies in the municipality of Consolación del Sur, in function of the local development of the municipality. The method of historical-logical theoretical level was used with the support of the documentary analysis technique, mainly in the study of various procedures related to the workforce management process, which allowed determining its main contributions and limitations as a basis for the proposal made. As a result of the work, a procedure was designed that establishes the stages and steps for the management of the workforce in terms of local development in the entities under study, which constitutes the guide to achieve a more efficient management of the workforce in terms of local development and a contribution to the existing regulations regarding other indicators that give a more integral character to this process.

Keywords: workforce; management; procedure.


Los procesos de desarrollo en las empresas cooperativas y asociaciones juegan un papel cada vez más importante para municipios rurales y urbanos y crean una oportunidad para el futuro. Se intensifica la formación profesional con altos estándares de calificación y crece el interés del capital con nuevos métodos de control, elementos que cualifican la reproducción de la fuerza de trabajo hacia una mayor calificación. El presente artículo propone un procedimiento para la gestión de la fuerza de trabajo en empresas agropecuarias del municipio de Consolación del Sur, en función del desarrollo local del municipio. Se utilizó el método de nivel teórico histórico lógico con el apoyo de la técnica del análisis documental, fundamentalmente en el estudio de diversos procedimientos relacionados con el proceso de gestión de la fuerza de trabajo, lo que permitió determinar sus principales aportes y limitaciones como base para la propuesta realizada. Como resultado del trabajo, se diseñó un procedimiento que establece las etapas y pasos para la gestión de la fuerza de trabajo en función del desarrollo local en las entidades objeto de estudio, el cual constituye la guía para lograr una gestión más eficiente de la fuerza de trabajo en función del desarrollo local y un aporte a las normativas existentes en cuanto a otros indicadores que le imprimen un carácter más integral a dicho proceso.

Palabras clave: fuerza de trabajo; gestión; procedimiento.


Os processos de desenvolvimento em empresas e associações cooperativas desempenham um papel cada vez mais importante para as comunidades rurais e urbanas e criam uma oportunidade para o futuro. A formação profissional com altos padrões de qualificação está se intensificando e o interesse do capital com novos métodos de controle está crescendo, elementos que qualificam a reprodução da força de trabalho para uma maior qualificação. Este artigo propõe um procedimento para a gestão da força de trabalho em empresas agrícolas no município de Consolación del Sur, com base no desenvolvimento local do município. Foi utilizado o método teórico histórico-lógico com o apoio da técnica de análise documental, fundamentalmente no estudo de diversos procedimentos relacionados ao processo de gestão da força de trabalho, o que permitiu determinar suas principais contribuições e limitações como base para a proposta apresentada. Como resultado do trabalho, foi elaborado um procedimento que estabelece as etapas e os passos para a gestão da força de trabalho em termos de desenvolvimento local nas entidades estudadas, o que constitui o guia para alcançar uma gestão mais eficiente da força de trabalho em termos de desenvolvimento local e uma contribuição para os regulamentos existentes em termos de outros indicadores que dão um caráter mais abrangente a esse processo.

Palavras-chave: força de trabalho; gestão; procedimento.



The changes and trends in the technological, political and socioeconomic spheres pose challenges to the management of the State and companies, which must be assumed from the current paradigms of business management with a more interdisciplinary and systemic approach, where an important role is played by an adequate planning of all the elements that decide on the achievement of the objectives set and where the workforce represents a decisive element in the success of the development programs conceived in each territory.

Planning the workforce in order to project the training of professionals, technicians and workers is a recurrent action from which the agricultural enterprise is no stranger, especially in a competitive labor market. However, under current conditions, this process is of great importance in the country, due to the economic and social transformations it is undergoing, where it is necessary to guarantee the satisfaction of workforce needs not only in labor entities, but also to contribute to local development.

The vision of the Cuban nation today significantly recognizes municipal autonomy, which provokes a transcendental change in the projective conception of governmental exercise. It constitutes an important step in the process of decentralization of competences, resources, decisions, in the necessary overcoming of the vertical and centralizing tendencies, so far prevailing, and opens the way to a greater protagonism of municipal governments, popular councils, communities and their inhabitants, as referred by Fernández González and Núñez Jover (2020), Núñez Jover et al. (2020, 2021), Hernández Martín and Reinoso Castillo (2022), among others.

The policy to promote territorial development in Cuba, approved in July 2020, took into account the diagnosis made, in which, among other aspects, it was expressed that there is no integrated and commonly accepted conception at the institutional level on local development and its mechanisms and management tools, among these, local development projects. The diagnosis also identified the absence of systemic innovation policies at the local level and the need to prioritize the training of skilled workforce in the territories in close connection with municipal development strategies (Díaz-Canel Bermúdez & Fernández González, 2020).

One of the most relevant manifestations of the university-society relationship, a link that determines the character and direction of professional training, is the contribution of Higher Education institutions to territorial development, particularly in terms of knowledge and technologies, as demanded by the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines and the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030 (Pérez Viñas et al., 2020).

It is under this integrating concept that Social Economy enterprises can, within their scope of action, promote local development. Development processes in the form of cooperative enterprises, associations, etc. play an increasingly important role for many rural and urban municipalities, creating a new spirit of hope for the future and personal esteem.

The training and education agendas in the municipalities should be strengthened in the topics of greatest interest at that scale of development, whose particularities demand training processes adjusted to them. This includes the strengthening of other university studies and also master's and doctoral studies that nurture capacities for local development (Díaz-Canel Bermúdez & Fernández González, 2020).

The province of Pinar del Río in general and the municipality of Consolación del Sur in its singularity, as well as the rest of the country, show progress in this direction. However, in a facto-perceptual study, carried out in the exploratory stage of the research, where empirical research methods were used: analysis of economic balances and their valuations, interviews with professionals and specialists, there is evidence of an increase in the role of knowledge, science, technology and innovation in local development, but weaknesses are shown in the integrative conception of local development from its mechanisms and management tools from:

Based on a factual-perceptual study carried out in the agricultural enterprises of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, the problematic situation is that the management of the workforce is not identified according to the real needs of the agricultural companies of the municipality, which limits the integral development of the territory.

In this sense, the objective of this work is to design a procedure for the management of the workforce in agricultural companies, which contributes to local development at the municipal level.



In order to fulfill the objective, methods, techniques and procedures were used that facilitated the collection and processing of information to solve the research problem. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.

The dialectical-materialist approach was used to carry out a systemic study of the workforce management process as a function of local development, with the objective of understanding the elements that make up the object of research, as well as the contradictions existing in it.

Induction-deduction was used in the process of designing the procedure for workforce management for local development.

The analysis and synthesis procedures were used to arrive at the multilateral knowledge of the workforce management process in agricultural companies of the municipality, based on the study and analysis of the bibliographic material, which allowed delimiting the essential elements, as well as establishing the links between them.

Documentary analysis was used as a research technique, through the study of different documents and other bibliographic materials related to the subject, which served to evaluate the state of the workforce management process in the agricultural companies of the municipality. The documentary analysis also allowed the study of different methodologies and procedures of the workforce, which made it possible to determine their main contributions and limitations as a basis for the proposal made.



Results of the empirical diagnosis in the municipality of Consolación del Sur

The management of the municipalities manifests itself irregularly, where Consolación del Sur, which is a municipality with a marked agro-industrial character is no exception with a considerable amount of idle land and which, according to the Municipal Labor Directorate, has more than 4 thousand new jobs generated by the new forms of non-state management; however, in order to achieve satisfaction in the management of the workforce for the period 2025-2030 they will have a capacity of 398 vacant jobs, which may be compromising the undertaking of new businesses, the completion of the workforce by replacement or the growth foreseen in the Municipal Development Strategy.

In the Municipal Development Strategy (EDM in Spanish) of Consolación del Sur, there are 69 programs in the project portfolio: of social character 18, environmental 6, economic productive 43, institutional 1 and of innovation 1, according to previous revision of the documentation expressed in the agreement 187 of the year 2022 of the Municipal Assembly of the Popular Power. In relation to the figures presented in the strategy, the study has not been carried out for the totality of the programs, in addition, it does not reach the level of depth that this task requires since the level of the people who will perform these jobs is not defined, as well as other requirements of these, pointing out this as a difficulty in the municipality.

Knowing how many graduates the municipality will potentially have in the short term is essential to determine and prioritize job placement to meet workforce management needs.

The education system offers intermediate technician and skilled worker specialties based on the needs identified in the territory, although sometimes there are other criteria for the opening of groups of certain specialties such as: teaching capacities in the study centers, existence of teachers in the specialties, material base of studies, among others. Another element that limits training is that the necessary entrance calculated on the basis of management does not always reach the figures established to open a group in the territory.

On the other hand, admission to Higher Education, specifically to regular daytime courses, does not meet the needs of professionals in the municipality. An important element analyzed is the provincial character of the entrance to the different university careers, with this the territoriality is lost.

From the study conducted in the municipality in the years 2021 and 2022 by the authors, it was possible to identify a group of regularities (limitations and potentialities), related to the orientation made by the municipality to state entities in terms of workforce management, which leads to the need to develop a procedure for workforce management in terms of local development in agricultural companies in the municipality.

The main limitations identified are:

The main potentialities identified are:

Procedure for workforce management in agricultural companies in terms of local development

Methodological basis of the procedure

In the context of local development, governments must promote coherent studies that guarantee not only the replacement of the workforce of the entities that exist in their territory, but also the necessary strength to undertake development projects in their municipality (Göske, 2000).

As stated by Quintero Pérez (2020), development management conceived from the territory allows the conception and use of all available resources, i.e.: economic-financial, technical, physical, sociocultural and human resources. Of the resources available in the municipalities, the human resource is one of the most valuable.

Using the workforce for the development of the territory must become the main focus of government decision-makers in each municipality. This requires knowing the municipality in figures from the population and labor point of view.

Another aspect of this phenomenon is the irregularity that exists on the part of the agencies that conduct the updating processes in relation to its objectivity. The company or the basic business unit determines its needs, but if its agency does not know, consider or process this request, it is without effect.

In the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, approved at the Sixth Party Congress and rectified at the Seventh, specifically 172 and 143, the path for the rectification of the mistakes made in the process of management of the workforce is outlined. In this sense, the need to project the formation of the workforce in correspondence with the current demands and the development of the country is raised, for which it is necessary to correct the deformations that today present the structure of the formation of higher-level specialists, middle level technicians and skilled workers (PCC, 2021).

In summary, it is necessary to manage the workforce as objectively as possible, given the importance of knowing what is available to assume the current and future development plans. The projections that have been made in this regard in the country have included only the workforce, which has been a limiting factor in the comprehensive and systematic achievement of the proposed goals and objectives.

It is even more important to project the workforce at the local level (municipality) at the present time, in a scenario where the country's leadership has granted greater powers to municipal governments in the preparation, execution and control of the plan. Therefore, assuming local development inevitably involves managing the workforce in a way that includes all occupational categories, demonstrating the importance that all men and women are decisive for their contribution to development.

For the management/updating of the workforce in terms of local development, several methodologies and procedures have been used, designed by different authors (A. Hernández Martín & Vargas Fernández, 2018; Zayas Barreras, 2020). The analysis of these technologies yielded the following contributions and limitations:



In the technologies studied, the main stages, phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools used in a workforce management process have been grouped together. The order or appearance of the different elements that comprise it is in correspondence with the objectives and characteristics of the process.

In these procedures, as in others reviewed in the bibliography, there is a coincidence that is considered a negative aspect in the conformation of the management of the workforce from the municipality and it is the limited scope, since they do not consider in their planning the unskilled workforce and, in addition, they circumscribe it only to the field of certain professions (economic and business).

According to Asanza Molina et al. (2016), a procedure is a method of execution or steps to be followed, in a sequential and systematic way, in the achievement of an end.

In this case, a procedure is designed to facilitate the efficient management of a municipality's workforce by employers in order to meet the production and service requirements derived from the municipal development strategy.

The general objective of the proposed procedure is to contribute to the improvement of the workforce management process in agricultural companies at the municipal level, based on the articulation between actors, participation and the multidimensional approach, as a way to project its formation and distribution in correspondence with the needs of the territory.

This proposal is based on a set of principles that support its conception from a scientific and practical point of view, which are the following:

Based on the definition of the principles that support the theoretical conception of the procedure, the following are determined as the main premises for its implementation:

Description of the stages and steps of the procedure

The procedure is made up of four general stages and, in turn, sixteen steps that provide a logical sequence for its application. In each stage of the procedure, the steps and their description are determined.

Stage I: Preliminary preparation

Step 1. Assessment of the fulfillment of the premises

Description: Compliance with the premises proposed as an indispensable requirement will be assessed, so that the conditions for the application of the procedure are created. If any of the premises are not fulfilled, the pertinent actions must be taken to achieve their fulfillment. The members of the Municipal Local Development Group (GMDL in Spanish) and the Municipal Administration Council (CAM in Spanish) participate in this step. The application of the procedure and its verification system must be submitted to the Municipal Assembly of People's Power for approval.

Step 2. Awareness raising and training

Description: During this step, a process will be carried out to raise awareness of the fact that there really is a problem in the management of the workforce in agricultural companies in the municipality that affects the fulfillment of the objectives, programs and goals that are contemplated in the Municipal Development Strategy. At the same time, it will be combined with training and education of all the factors involved in the task.

Step 3. Updating of the Municipal Commission of the Skilled Workforce

Description: The composition of the Municipal Commission of the Skilled Workforce will be updated, with the objective of ensuring that all stakeholders are represented. Selection criteria will have to be established to determine the actors that will make up this subgroup, taking into account that there must be a representation of state and non-state economic, socio-cultural, political and mass actors, non-profit organizations and the community, in order to achieve a comprehensive view of the workforce management process. The objective of the creation of this subgroup will be to advise the government on workforce management at the municipal level, coordinating the implementation process of the steps contained in the proposed procedure, which does not exclude the participation of other actors at different stages and steps.

This step shall be carried out with the participation of the CAM, the current members of the GMDL and the presidents of the Popular Councils. The functions of this structure will be defined with emphasis on the relations it will have with the Municipal Assembly of People's Power and the Municipal Administration Council.

Stage II. Workforce demand planning at the municipal level

Step 4. Diagnosis of the current workforce of the municipality's agricultural entities

Description: This is a decisive step since in it a survey of the current situation of the occupation, the workforces that are not yet covered, the need or not of certain positions and other situations that derive from the diagnosis must be carried out. In this step it is very important to work with all the actors and to consider all the activities and the executor is the Municipal Commission of Qualified Workforce.

Step 5. Diagnosis of institutional demand by levels (higher education, mid-level technical and skilled worker), by careers or specialties and by form of management

Description: This is the step where all the agricultural companies in the municipality declare their demand and the novelty lies in the fact that they not only declare their need for skilled workforce, but for the entire workforce in a general way. It is important to note that all forms of management present in the locality are considered, both for the medium and long term, and it is separated by five years.

5.1. Diagnosis in the first five years

5.2. Diagnosis in the second five-year period

Step 6. Diagnosis of workforce demand according to EDM programs

Description: Considering the EDM for the calculation of the workforce demand is a decisive step where the needs are determined according to the programs approved in the EDM. The calculation of the demand in this step must be accompanied by the necessary load and capacity studies, which determine what amount of workforce and with what competencies they will be able to assume and comply with what is planned according to each approved program and sub-program and for each form of management. In this case, it is dealt with the specific programs of the agricultural sector and others with which it is linked. It is also separated by five-year period.

6.1. Diagnosis in the first five years

6.2. Diagnosis in the second five-year period

Step 7. Diagnosis of the current training by levels (higher, mid-level technician and skilled worker) and by careers or specialties

Description: The diagnosis determined in this step is linked to the current training that is being executed at the different levels of education and what is projected for the future. In this step, the entities of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, among others, play a decisive role, specifying for each type of specialty the training that is being carried out and the projection. The active participation of the political and mass organizations of the territory is also important.

Step 8. Diagnosis of workforce potential (population studies)

Description: Population studies acquire special relevance nowadays due to the demographic characteristics and trends observed in Cuba, where the number of new arrivals at working age is decreasing every day and population aging is increasing. Therefore, knowing the potential workforce available to face the challenges of development is a very important task in the decision-making process.

In this step, the collaboration of the National Statistics and Information Office (ONEI in Spanish) of the territory and the results of the last population census are decisive, regardless of the participation of the other actors involved in order to achieve an adequate balance of labor resources.

Step 9. Determination of workforce demand satisfaction gaps in agricultural companies

Description: Taking into consideration the diagnosis of the current workforce of the municipality's entities, the institutional demand by levels (higher, mid-level technician and skilled worker), by careers or specialties and by form of management; the diagnosis of the workforce demand according to the EDM programs, the current training by levels (higher, mid-level technician and skilled worker) and the diagnosis of workforce potential, the commission will be in a position to determine the gaps that still exist to meet the demand for workforce in agricultural companies in the municipality for each form of management and by five-year period.

9.1. Gaps in the first five years

9.2. Gaps in the second five-year period

Stage III. Organization of the process of adjustments to workforce management in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Step 10. Identification of local stakeholders involved in adjustments to workforce management in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Description: Based on the determination of the gaps in the satisfaction of the workforce demand in order to make the corresponding adjustments, the first step is to identify the actors involved in this process, not only the decision makers who are members of the municipal commission, but also those who are affected.

Step 11. Determination of roles of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power (AMPP), the CAM and the Technical Advisory Team in the process of adjustments to the management of the workforce in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Description: This is a decisive step where the specific functions of each actor who decides in this process are determined, in which it must be made very clear and precise where each of these functions begins and ends, regardless of collaborations and alliances that arise and that are important in this management process to achieve the final objective.

Stage IV. Implementation of adjustments to workforce management in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Step 12. Readjustment of public labor policies based on the gaps identified

Description: Based on the adjustments identified to achieve an adequate management of the workforce at the municipal level, the stage where public labor policies that consider this reality will be formulated and executed with the intention of improving its management and achieving a higher stage in this sense. Here, all the actors involved are decisive, mainly the AMPP, the CAM and the Technical Advisory Team.

12.1. Formulation of public labor policies

12.2. Execution of public labor policies

Step 13. Adjustments to the workforce development planning process

Description: Based on the proposed adjustments derived from the diagnosis, formulation and execution of public policies designed to correct the deviations detected through better management, the unavoidable step of adjusting workforce training planning is the next step. This step is very important, complex and decisive and is a stop within management, but a decisive one.

It is a moment where all the actors of the municipality must necessarily be involved.

Stage V. Assessment of workforce management in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Step 14. Validation of workforce management indicators in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Description: This is the step where based on the information sent by all the actors involved, the global bodies of the economy, fundamentally ONEI, Economy and Planning and the Municipal Directorate of Labor validate the veracity of the data received, under the supervision of the Municipal Administration Council.

Step 15. Measurement of workforce management indicators in agricultural companies at the municipal level

Description: It corresponds to the Municipal Workforce Commission together with the all organisms measuring, comparing and evaluating the results expressed in workforce management indicators in agricultural companies at the municipal level to determine what needs to continue working on, improve, deepen and change in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

Step 16. Feedback

Description: To guarantee the continuous nature of the process of updating the workforce management in agricultural companies through the improvement of this procedure and the corresponding updates when necessary, a responsibility that corresponds to the Municipal Workforce Commission, under the supervision of the Administration Council and the final approval of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power.

The current situation in the municipality of Consolación del Sur with respect to the management process of the workforce in agricultural companies is characterized by an imbalance between the development plans for this sector and the workforce that is required to assume them, which responds more to the operability of the work than to a conception focused on integral development.

A procedure consisting of four stages and 16 steps was developed, which will allow employers of agricultural companies to achieve a more efficient management of the workforce in terms of local development, with this instrument a contribution to the existing regulations in that it takes into consideration other indicators that give a more comprehensive nature to the process.

The government in the municipality will have a procedure for the management of the workforce at the local level that makes it possible to take advantage of endogenous resources and the articulation of the socioeconomic actors according to the development policies of their locality, which integrates stages, steps, objectives and techniques for the management of the workforce, specifying the coherence between its different components and the specific functional relationships that make it up. The government will apply this procedure through the Municipal Commission of Qualified Workforce, which will be the liaison of the same with the employers of the agricultural companies.



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Conflict of interest

Authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


Authors' contribution

Daymara Pedroso Fabré, Brígido García Páez, Tania Vargas Fernández, Alina Hernández Martín and Carlos Cesar Torres Paez designed the study, analyzed the data and prepared the draft.

Daymara Pedroso Fabré and Brígido García Páez were involved in data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Daymara Pedroso Fabré, Brígido García Páez, Tania Vargas Fernández and Carlos Cesar Torres Paez reviewed the writing of the manuscript and approved the version finally submitted.


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