Cooperativismo y Desarrollo, September-December 2023; 11(3), e645
Translated from the original in Spanish


Original article

Procedure for the determination of positions profiles by competencies in a fishing enterprise


Procedimiento para la determinación de perfiles de cargos por competencias en una empresa pesquera


Procedimento para a definição de perfis de trabalho com base em competências em uma empresa de pesca


Tamara Despaigne Mustelier1 0009-0006-5739-2772
Tania Vargas Fernández2 0000-0003-4285-682X

1 Fishing Enterprise of Pinar del Río PESCARIO. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
2 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Faculty of Economic Sciences. Center of Studies for Management, Local Development, Tourism and Cooperativism. Pinar del Río, Cuba.


Received: 30/06/2023
Accepted: 16/11/2023


Competency-based management has acquired special relevance in the last decades, due to the role played by labor competencies as the dynamizing axis of the key processes of human resources management. This article tackles the development of a research carried out in the Pinar del Río Fishing Enterprise PESCARIO, with the purpose of proposing a procedure for the determination of positions profiles by competencies that will contribute to a better management of human resources in the entity. The historical-logical theoretical method was used with the support of the documentary analysis technique, mainly in the study of different technologies for the determination of competencies that served as theoretical-methodological referents, which allowed determining their main contributions and limitations as a basis for the proposal made. As a result of the work, a procedure was designed that establishes the stages and steps for the determination of positions profiles by competencies in the entity under study, which will constitute the guide to determine the competencies, requirements, functions, working conditions and responsibilities inherent and required to an occupation or position, as well as express the relationship of the strategic objectives and goals with the capabilities to be developed by the personnel of the organization.

Keywords: competencies; position profile; procedure.


La gestión por competencias ha adquirido especial relevancia en las últimas décadas, debido al rol que juegan las competencias laborales como eje dinamizador de los procesos clave de la gestión de recursos humanos. El presente artículo aborda el desarrollo de una investigación realizada en la Empresa Pesquera de Pinar del Río PESCARIO, con el propósito de proponer un procedimiento para la determinación de perfiles de cargos por competencias que contribuya a una mejor gestión de los recursos humanos en la entidad. Se utilizó el método de nivel teórico histórico lógico con el apoyo de la técnica del análisis documental, fundamentalmente en el estudio de diversas tecnologías para la determinación de competencias que sirvieron como referentes teórico-metodológicos, lo que permitió determinar sus principales aportes y limitaciones como base para la propuesta realizada. Como resultado del trabajo, se diseñó un procedimiento que establece las etapas y pasos para la determinación de perfiles de cargos por competencias en la entidad objeto de estudio, el cual constituirá la guía para determinar las competencias, requisitos, funciones, condiciones de trabajo y responsabilidades inherentes y requeridas a una ocupación o cargo, así como expresará la relación de los objetivos estratégicos y las metas con las capacidades que debe desarrollar el personal de la organización.

Palabras clave: competencias; perfil de cargo; procedimiento.


A gestão por competências adquiriu especial relevância nas últimas décadas, devido ao papel desempenhado pelas competências laborais como força motriz dos processos-chave da gestão de recursos humanos. Este artigo trata do desenvolvimento de um estudo de pesquisa realizado na Empresa Pesqueira de Pinar del Río PESCARIO, com o objetivo de propor um procedimento para a determinação de perfis de trabalho por competências que contribua para uma melhor gestão de recursos humanos na empresa. Utilizou-se o método teórico histórico-lógico com o apoio da técnica de análise documental, fundamentalmente no estudo de diversas tecnologias para a determinação de competências que serviram de referencial teórico-metodológico, o que permitiu determinar suas principais contribuições e limitações como base para a proposta apresentada. Como resultado do trabalho, foi elaborado um procedimento que estabelece as etapas e os passos para a determinação de perfis de cargos por competências na entidade em estudo, o que constituirá o guia para determinar as competências, os requisitos, as funções, as condições de trabalho e as responsabilidades inerentes e necessárias para uma ocupação ou cargo, além de expressar a relação dos objetivos e metas estratégicos com as capacidades que o pessoal da organização deve desenvolver.

Palavras-chave: competências; perfil do cargo; procedimento.



Practice shows that the absence of approaches and tools to manage a change process is one of the limitations to obtain the projected results. Hence the need for science to contribute to the solution of the problems faced by the enterprise, which contributes, at the same time, to minimize empiricism and to adopt technologies in the form of models, methodologies, procedures, programs, systems, for the solution of those related to business management.

It is for this reason that the study of labor competencies is of utmost importance for the management of an entity as a guide for the development of strategies that define a consistent way of acting in the organization (Fonseca Mendoza et al., 2020; Lora Guzmán et al., 2020).

Structures and technology can be easily copied. However, it is people that are the factor that makes an enterprise different (whether in the industrial or service sector, in the public or private sector). The quality of the employees, the level of satisfaction they have with their jobs and whether they consider the treatment and compensation they receive to be fair have a major influence on productivity and the quality of service they provide to their customers. The most important thing in today's competitive business environment is people and their job performance.

The competency profiles defined by organizations for their jobs or positions are essentially sets of secondary competencies (fully holistic) and go with more or less detailed descriptions of behavioral patterns (dimensions) that exemplify the development of a competency. In this sense, the classic job content expressed in functions or tasks is superseded by competencies.

In this job profile or competency profile of the job or position, the competencies defined will be closely related to the physical and personality requirements, as well as to the responsibilities to be assumed by the occupant of the position. And all this considers the working conditions (lighting, noise, microclimate) and a certain organizational culture that reflects the prevailing beliefs or convictions, attitudes and aspirations (Cuesta Santos, 2019).

The current trend of efficient human resource management is based on profiles based on competencies, where Peñaloza and Arévalo (2007, p. 118) consider that: "The simplification of job descriptions comes to life with concepts such as performance levels and competency areas. Companies are incorporating innovative criteria such as: speed, the need to be fast, developing levels of anticipation".

Therefore, it is necessary to study the job profiles through the construction of an ontological framework for their management, which considers the main elements of performance evaluation in the area of human resources and its subsystems, such as: selection, training, compensation and career plans, among others. All these elements interacting in a systemic way for the development of labor competencies, which meet the needs and efficiently fulfill the organizational processes (Sandoval Socre & Pernalete Chirinos, 2017).

During the years in which the competency approach to the human capital management system has been integrated in Cuban labor entities, a level of development can already be observed, especially in the process of determining competencies and applications have been carried out to three basic activities: personnel selection, training and performance evaluation, independently, without reaching integration among them or with the remaining human capital management activities (Sánchez Rodríguez et al., 2017).

The present work was carried out in the Pinar del Río Fishing Enterprise PESCARIO, created on December 18, 2001 by Resolution No. 330 of the former Ministry of the Fishing Industry. It currently belongs to the Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Pesquera and to the Ministry of the Food Industry. The enterprise is made up of four Directorates of Regulation and Control and five Basic Business Units, with a staff of 510 workers.

From a preliminary diagnosis carried out in the enterprise PESCARIO, the problematic situation is given in that although the enterprise has an Integrated Management System of Human Capital, established as a process, with procedures for its implementation and that, as part of this, has established the Operating Procedure 08.11 Procedure for Identification, validation and certification of competencies. The approved position profiles do not take into account the competencies defined for each position, there is no procedure to prepare them and it is necessary to systematize the performance evaluation by job competencies of each employee; as well as to improve the personnel selection process based on the existence of the position profiles by the competencies of the position in question and the rest of the key processes of human resources management.

In this sense, the objective of this work is to design a procedure for the determination of position profiles by competencies, which contributes to the improvement of the key processes of human resources management in Pinar del Río Fishing Enterprise PESCARIO.



In order to fulfill the objective, methods, techniques and procedures were used that facilitated the collection and processing of information to solve the research problem. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.

The dialectical-materialist approach was used to carry out a systemic study of the process of determining position profiles by competencies, with the objective of understanding the elements that make up the object of research, as well as the contradictions that exist in it.

Induction-deduction was used in the elaboration of the procedure for the determination of position profiles by competencies.

The analysis and synthesis procedures were used to reach the multilateral knowledge of the competence determination process, from the study and analysis of the bibliographic material, which allowed to delimit the essential elements, as well as to establish the links between them.

Documentary analysis was used as the empirical method of the research, through the study of different documents and other bibliographic materials related to the topic, which allowed the evaluation of the state of the competency assessment process in the fishing enterprise PESCARIO. The documentary analysis also allowed the study of different competency assessment technologies that served as theoretical-methodological references, which made it possible to determine their main contributions and limitations as a basis for the proposal made.

In addition, the group work technique was used to determine the potentialities and limitations of the human resources management process by competencies in PESCARIO.



Results of empirical diagnosis in PESCARIO

PESCARIO has certified and implemented its integrated management system for all processes and activities, there is a manual that defines how to manage its strategic, key and support processes and the development of the enterprise, it describes how to establish and ensure the conditions for the proper functioning and its relations with the micro and macro environment.

The current position profiles contain what is done, how it is done and why things are done, according to the qualifiers adjusted to each specific job, reviewed by the immediate superior manager, including the functions of the position and the formal requirements of the position, as well as the basic responsibilities.

The job specifications are based on this; it defines in a very general way the necessary knowledge, skills and aptitudes, not as competencies that the occupant of the specific position must possess, therefore, as a competency profile it lacks essential competencies for the development of the job. In the relationship of the strategic objectives and goals with the capabilities that the organization's personnel must develop, this requires knowledge of the mission, vision, corporate purpose and general objectives of the enterprise, mastering the mission of their job, as well as complying with the provisions of the Quality Management System for their job.

The profile in question does not establish behavioral guidelines (dimensions) that exemplify the development of each competency; it only defines the personal characteristics that the candidate for the position must possess and the responsibilities that he/she assumes.

It also defines the working conditions where the job will be developed, as well as the characteristics that the position must comply with, although it lacks content and depth. It also contains the safety and health risks that the worker must face in the position and the means of protection and work equipment that must be worn in its performance.

As part of the organizational culture, they do reflect that practical knowledge of the activity to be performed must be possessed, although it is not specified; knowledge of the use of fire extinguishing equipment, knowledge of the entity's code of ethics and standards of conduct that reflect the beliefs or convictions, attitudes and aspirations prevailing in the sector, and compliance with regulations regarding environmental protection.

From the use of the group work technique, with the participation of nine managers and specialists of the entity linked to the human resources activity, it was possible to identify a group of regularities, attending to potentials and limitations of the human resources management process by competencies in PESCARIO, which leads to the need to elaborate a procedure for the elaboration of position profiles by competencies as an identified problem.

Each participant was given a summary of the main results obtained in the diagnostic. Then, individually, the participants selected the potentialities and limitations, highlighting the following as fundamental.

The main limitations identified are:

The main potentialities identified are:

Procedure for the determination of position profiles by competencies

Methodological basis of the procedure

The existence of an international context, increasingly complex, globalized and dynamic in all areas of social life, as well as the need to influence the organizational and technological changes that occur in the macro and micro environment that directly or indirectly influence organizations, forces them to search for new concepts, forms and methods of work, that guarantee to take advantage to the maximum of the potential of productivity and innovation that they possess in the intelligence and imagination by their knowledge, abilities and values, that is to say, by their capacities, their human resources and how these contribute to the development of competences of all the members of the organization.

In the development of work with people in any type of productive organization, this was for many years approached as an administrative and bureaucratic function of lesser importance compared to the rest of the organizational activities.

Human Resources Management has had an evolution from classical personnel administration to knowledge management, a process that, according to Cuesta Santos et al. (2018), has essentially comprised three paradigms: human resources as a cost, as an asset and investor of its human potential or as human capital.

In the current context of organizations, characterized by constant changes, human resources management by competencies is seen as an integral approach that effectively contributes to organizational development (Armada Pacheco, 2021). It is recognized as one of the primordial factors for any organization to maintain and improve what constitutes its main resource: human capital, constituting a vital tool to direct, ensure and facilitate the development of each labor group based on their motivation, commitment and knowledge. Hence, in recent years, the study and application of this approach, which aims to guarantee a successful work performance, has increased significantly.

The components of a competency-based position profile are, according to Cuesta Santos (2019): 1) the physical and personality requirements and responsibilities to be undertaken by the job occupant; 2) the competencies of the job or position; and 3) the working conditions and organizational culture that reflect the prevailing beliefs or convictions, attitudes and aspirations.

For a competency-based position profile to be successful or an ideal model, it must be precise, it must express the specific characteristics of the capability required for efficient work, but it must also be flexible. Competency descriptions must be specific and clear enough to guide the behavior of individual workers, and must be easily understood.

The changing situations force in some way to review traditional techniques and the trend is to adapt the procedures to a perspective based on competency-based management. According to Pérez and Ayala (2013), competency-based management is a dynamic set of actions to manage human resources that enable and contribute to a better achievement of the organization's strategic objectives, since it promotes the identification, acquisition, enhancement and development of knowledge and skills, abilities and attitudes that add value to the organization.

To determine competencies, as well as to elaborate the competency-based position profile, several technologies have been used, designed by different authors (Cuesta Santos, 2019; Torres López et al., 2018). The analysis of these technologies yielded the following contributions and limitations:



In the technologies studied, the main stages, phases, tasks, methods, techniques and instruments used in a competency assessment process have been grouped together. The order or appearance of the different elements that comprise it are in correspondence with the objectives and characteristics of the process.

In these methods, as in others reviewed in the bibliography, there is a coincidence that is considered a negative aspect in the creation of the position profiles, and that is the use of only administrative and human resources personnel as experts, which does not allow the workers or laborers, who are the main holders of the labor competencies and those who perform the key and important functions, to participate in the process, which would give greater veracity and representativeness to the process, since these would be precisely the competencies needed in the organization for the positions. In addition, the workers in question will have the necessary competencies and will be the best ones to define them at the right time.

According to Asanza Molina et al. (2016), a procedure is a method of execution or steps to be followed, in a sequential and systematic way, in the achievement of an end.

In this case, a procedure is designed for the determination of position profiles by competencies whose simplicity, concreteness and feasibility of use allow the analysis of this process within the framework of an enterprise's operation.

The general objective of the proposed procedure is to establish a sequence of logical actions that will allow the development of an effective competency-based position profiling process, which will contribute to the achievement of greater efficiency and quality in the production and service processes carried out in the organization.

This proposal is based on a set of principles that support its conception from a scientific and practical point of view, which are the following:

Based on the definition of the principles that support the theoretical conception of the procedure, the following are determined as the main premises for its implementation:

Description of the stages and steps of the procedure

The procedure is made up of five general stages and, in turn, ten steps, which provide a logical sequence for its application. In each stage of the procedure, the objective, steps and description are determined.

Stage I: Planning

Objective: To establish the general and specific objectives, as well as the requirements on which the process will be based, so as to contribute to the design of competency-based position profiles.

This stage must also define the positions to be studied and the preparation of the personnel to be involved in the study, as well as the fundamental methods to be used.

Step 1: Preparation and awareness

Description: In this step, the objective(s) to be achieved with the elaboration of the competency-based position profiles must be defined, the compliance with the premises adopted is verified. In addition, it is necessary to specify and justify the need and the benefits that the elaboration of the profiles would bring. Likewise, a study of the organizational chart and the staff of positions and jobs of the organizational unit under study will be carried out to define the positions to be analyzed and the planning of the work over time.

Step 2: Identification and selection of experts to carry out the survey

Description: As already established in the Human Capital Integral Management System implemented in the organization, the group of experts or competencies committee of the organization will constitute the group in charge of identifying and proposing to the top management the competencies of the positions. This team may be led by the human resources director or another specialist trained in the activity and must be composed of the persons in charge of using these competency profiles in practice and workers who possess the competencies of the positions in question. The team members should not exceed nine people and not less than two or three, always taking into account the scope of the study.

The preparation of the personnel who will carry out the study must be oriented towards the particularities of a study of this type and towards the fundamental methods used in these cases.

A study or presentation of the dictionary of competencies, which precisely defines the competencies, their behavioral indicators, the various levels of indicators and a coding system of work behaviors, would be of great interest in the preparation of the competency committee, making it an indispensable reference when conducting competency studies in an organization. These competencies can be considered as the most important and frequent in the world of organizations.

Step 3: Preparation of personnel

Description: In this step, the general preparation of all personnel involved in the process should be carried out: managers, experts and technicians, that is, from top management to the workers who will have to show their competencies. It will include preparation actions on the following topics: strategic direction, human resources management policies, work system, as well as important concepts for the process such as: the human resources management by competencies, labor competencies, techniques and methods for their determination and the competency-based position profiles.

Stage II: Determination of competencies

Objective: To gather all the necessary information to determine the competencies that will make up the position profiles.

Step 4: Collection of information

Description: Using information gathering techniques such as the survey and interview, the necessary information must be collected to determine the competencies of the positions linked to food production or others, taking into consideration the role played by each of them as part of key processes in the organization. Hence, those occupations that contribute most significantly to organizational results and in whose competency-based work is essential for success are selected first.

Taking into account the preparation carried out and the results of the diagnosis, in this step surveys and interviews will be conducted with specialists and experts in human resources, industry, quality or other activities related to food production, and interviews will be conducted with workers of recognized prestige and with positive results in the performance of their activities related to food production.

Both the surveys and the interviews will be aimed at revealing the competencies suitable for the positions linked to food production.

Step 5: Application of competency assessment techniques

Description: It is decided to adopt as a conceptual and methodological basis an integrated approach, defined and used in the organization as part of PO.08.11 Identification, validation and certification of labor competencies to identify the competencies of the positions, making the necessary adjustments according to the requirements and conditions of the new procedure in the organization and the object of study.

To identify these competencies, the Delphi method by rounds will be used (Cañizares Cedeño & Suárez Mena, 2022; Sánchez Tarazaga & Ferrández Berrueco, 2022); a designated expert will be the facilitator of the process and will discuss with the members of the committee the characteristics of the selected method, emphasizing that, for each position, the high-performance worker will be taken as the standard.

At least three rounds will be conducted for each position, so that each expert has the opportunity to analyze in detail the characteristics of the job (as designed), and identify the competencies as a result of the combination of attributes, including knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities to think, ability to express oneself and behavior. Both generic and job-specific competencies will be included, including those based on academic knowledge and skills, as well as those requiring management skills, teamwork, certain behavioral requirements, among others.

First Round: Each expert (E) in the group will be given a sheet of paper on which he/she must answer, without comments from the group, the following question: What are the competencies that should make up the content of job X?

The specialists who apply the method list all the competencies and then reduce the list, eradicating repetitions or similarities. These specialists make up table 1 below:

Table 1. Matrix of competencies expressed by the experts

Competence (C)






... In






































Competence related by the expert


Competence not related by the expert

Source: Own elaboration, based on Cuesta Santos (2019)

Second Round: This procedure gives the possibility of being able to observe competencies that are similar among the participating experts, with a view to not repeating the former and disaggregating the latter. In this round, each expert is given a separate sheet with the competencies listed in the previous matrix and must answer the following question: Which competencies do you think should make up the competency profile of the job or position under analysis? Mark with an * those that you believe should not be included.

Once the question has been answered and the answers of all the experts have been collected, the level of concordance is determined by means of the expression shown below. The results are processed in Excel.

Cc = (1 - Vn/ Vt) * 100


Cc: Coefficient of concordance expressed as a percentage.

Vn: Number of experts against the prevailing criterion

Vt: Total number of experts

The result will show the generic and specific competencies listed by the experts, refined with Cc concordance level greater than and equal to 60%, according to Cuesta Santos (2019).

Based on the answers and the processing of the previous calculation expression, table 2 is prepared.

Table 2. Matrix of refined competencies with level of concordance





... In

Cc (%)































Source: Own elaboration, based on Cuesta Santos (2019)

Third Round: The generic and specific competencies are selected and their order of importance is determined, since knowing the order of importance of the competencies within the defined list is of great relevance, since each job requires specific competencies that are key to predict success in the performance of that activity; it is also essential to establish the priorities of the training actions and the incentive and performance indicators.

Each expert will be given the table prepared with the list of differentiated competencies (generic and specific) and then proceed to weight the fundamental factors. To take this into account, each expert must individually order the competencies in ascending order, where the number 1 means the most important competency until reaching the total number of competencies listed, the last one being the least important competency.

By horizontally adding the value given by each expert to the competencies, the sum values (Sc) are obtained, which makes it possible to order by importance the competencies selected by the experts, the most important being the one with the lowest Sc value and the least important the one with the highest Sc value.

Based on these data, the judgment matrix is prepared, which should also show the result of the analysis of the concordance of the criteria among the experts, as shown in table 3.

Table 3. Judgment matrix with order of importance and level of concordance





... In


Cc (%)




































Source: Own elaboration, based on Cuesta Santos (2019)

Stage III: Development of the position profiles by competences

Objective: To prepare the competency-based position profiles, compiling and recording all the information obtained during this process to obtain the format and components of the competency profiles.

Step 6: Recording information

Description: It consists of recording all the necessary information related to the different positions under study in order to prepare the competency-based position profiles, based on different selected methods, on the basis of which the position profile in question will be prepared.

Step 7: Definition of the components and format of the position profiles by competences

Description: In this step, the indicators or parameters (dimensions) that make up the competency-based position profiles are decided upon, which will serve as a reference or standard for comparing the characteristics (competencies) measured or assessed.

In the competency-based position profile, reference should be made not only to the requirements, responsibilities and competencies required for a specific job or position, but also to those aimed at comprehensive training, in accordance with the context in which it is found, so as to provide personnel with a guide to perform in a manner consistent with the multidimensional, integrative and interdisciplinary approaches.

Table 4 proposes the format of the competency-based position profiles to be implemented in the entity.

The configuration of the competencies of the job or position's content essentially responds to what does it do, how does it do it, and what is it for?

Regarding requirements and responsibilities, the following should be considered:

In relation to working conditions, the following shall be considered:

Table 4. Format of the position profiles by competences

Title of position:

Area to which it belongs:

Occupational category:

Scale group:



Competencies of the position









Requirements or demands of the position

Minimum training required:

Minimum Professional Experience:

Specific knowledge












1. Elementals

2. Medium

3. Superior

Physical requirements















1. Not required

2. Low

3. Medium

4. High


About the job:

About equipment and means:

About the quality of service:

About the relationship with users:

On efficiency:

Working conditions

Physical effort

  • Not applicable
  • Normal
  • Medium
  • High

Mental effort

  • Not applicable
  • Normal
  • Medium
  • High

Physical environment

Illumination level:

Microclimate conditions:

Noise exposure:

Most common risks:

Time conditions:

Working hours:

Hours of rest:

Means you need for your work:

Organizational culture

Behavioral expectations:

Organizational climate:

Values to keep in mind:


Performed by:




Signature: ____________


Reviewed by:



Signature: ____________


Approved by:



Signature: ____________

Source: Own elaboration, based on Cuesta Santos (2019)

Stage IV: Implementation and testing of the position profiles by competences

Objective: To implement and submit the profiles for consideration by the employees involved and top management as a basis for the organization's integrated human capital management work.

Step 8: Implementation of the position profiles by competences

Description: After the approval of the position profiles by competences by the board of directors, the entity's Human Resources Management will enable their implementation. To this end, training sessions will be planned for managers and other workers, where the content for each position will be analyzed, and the organization will verify that the workers possess and have demonstrated the competencies identified and approved in their different dimensions, as well as the certification of the competencies as the final result of this process.

Step 9: Testing of position profiles by competences

Description: A trial period of between 1 and 3 months should be established for the position profiles by competences, making it possible to develop actions to promote their enrichment.

Stage V: Follow-up and monitoring of the position profiles by competences

Objective: To establish the follow-up and monitoring processes for the entity's position profiles by competences, as part of their continuous improvement and as a result of the corrections derived from the probationary period.

Step 10: Follow-up (monitoring) of the position profiles by competences

Description: This step includes the follow-up and monitoring of the position profiles by competences in the entity and consists of establishing follow-up actions, based on semi-annual reviews to detect possible changes in their contents due to modifications, both in the human resources strategies and policies outlined in the entity, as well as in the design of work systems, in terms of methods and working conditions, so that the entity's position profiles by competences are kept permanently updated.

Competency-based management allows knowing the competencies of the employees that contribute to the fulfillment of the mission, facilitates the adaptation of these to the jobs through clear procedures and objectives, in addition, the introduction of a culture based on competencies improves aspects such as the corporate image through excellent performance and employee motivation; thus, it optimizes the value that each of the professionals contributes to the entity.

The analysis of technologies for the determination of the position profiles by competences led to the conclusion of a set of stages, steps, contributions and limitations that served as the basis for outlining a procedure for the determination of the position profiles by competences, which contains five stages and ten steps that will contribute to the improvement of competency-based human resources management in the organization.



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Conflict of interest

Authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


Authors' contribution

Tamara Despaigne Mustelier y Tania Vargas Fernández designed the study, analyzed the data and prepared the draft.

Tamara Despaigne Mustelier was involved in data collection, analysis and interpretation.

All the authors reviewed the writing of the manuscript and approve the version finally submitted.


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