Cooperativismo y Desarrollo, May-August 2019; 7(2): 225-242
Translated from the original in Spanish


Procedure for managing the process of recruitment and selection of personnel based on local development


Procedimiento para la gestión del proceso de reclutamiento y selección del personal en función del desarrollo local


Olga Lidia Martínez Reinoso1, Tania Vargas Fernández2

1Empresa Provincial de la Industria Alimentaria. Pinar del Río. Cuba. Email:
2Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río. Cuba. Email:


Received: April 23rd, 2019.
Accepted: June 4th, 2019.


One of the key processes of human resources management is the recruitment and selection of personnel. Through it, every organization ensures that it has competent personnel for each position, based on the achievement of organizational objectives. This is even more important when it comes to selecting people with the capacity to carry out a local development project. This work was carried out in the "La Época" canning factory of the Basic Food Unit of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, belonging to the Provincial Food Industry Company of Pinar del Río, with the purpose of proposing a procedure for the management of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel based on local development. This entity was approved for the implementation of a local development project, aimed at the production and marketing of canned fruits and vegetables packed in bulk. The method of theoretical-historical-logical level was used, with the support of the technique of documentary analysis, fundamentally in the study of diverse technologies of selection of the personnel that served as theoretical-methodological referents, which allowed to determine their main contributions and limitations, as base for the carried out proposal. The proposed procedure consists of four stages and nine steps, which together will contribute to the effective selection of people with requirements and potentialities in terms of local development.

Keywords: recruitment; personnel selection; local development project


Uno de los procesos clave de la gestión de recursos humanos lo constituye el reclutamiento y selección del personal. Mediante el mismo, toda organización se asegura de contar con personal competente para cada puesto, en función del logro de los objetivos organizacionales. Lo anterior cobra mayor peso si se trata de seleccionar personas con capacidad para llevar a vías de hecho un proyecto de desarrollo local. El presente trabajo fue realizado en la fábrica de conservas "La Época", de la Unidad Básica de Alimentos del municipio Consolación del Sur, perteneciente a la Empresa Provincial de la Industria Alimentaria de Pinar del Río, con el propósito de proponer un procedimiento para la gestión del proceso de reclutamiento y selección del personal en función del desarrollo local. Esta entidad fue aprobada para la ejecución de un proyecto de desarrollo local, dirigido a la producción y comercialización de conservas de frutas y vegetales envasados a granel. Se utilizó el método de nivel teórico-histórico-lógico, con el apoyo de la técnica del análisis documental, fundamentalmente en el estudio de diversas tecnologías de selección del personal que sirvieron como referentes teórico-metodológicos, lo que permitió determinar sus principales aportes y limitaciones, como base para la propuesta realizada. El procedimiento propuesto está conformado por cuatro etapas y nueve pasos, los cuales en su conjunto contribuirán a la selección efectiva de personas con requisitos y potencialidades en función del desarrollo local.

Palabras claves: reclutamiento; selección de personal; proyecto de desarrollo local



The selection of personnel is part of the process of providing personnel and is presented after recruitment; both are the phases of the same process, obtaining human resources for the organization. According to Chiavenato (2012), recruitment is an activity of divulgation, call, attention, increase in entry, invitation; selection is an activity of comparison, confrontation, choice, option and absorption, entry filter, classification.

Selecting does not imply choosing some, discriminating against others, but selection offers the possibility of orienting and classifying people according to their potentialities and contributing to the training and development of candidates in the necessary man-work interrelationship. The problem is not in selecting, but in how the selection is carried out, there lies the ethical behavior of the process, in the policies, in the objectives, in the behaviour of the people; this emphasizes the need to count on principles that guide this process.

For Cuesta (2010), the selection of personnel is a process that is carried out through effective conceptions and techniques, consistent with the strategic direction of the organization and the Human Resources Management (HRM) policies, derived, with the objective of finding the candidate that best suits the present and foreseeable future required characteristics of a job or job position and a specific company.

In the previous conception, the fact that the selection of personnel is carried out, not only for a specific position in the present, but also and very essentially for the personnel forecasts that will be required in the future in correspondence with the projection of the development of the entity, is highlighted as positive.

The selection of personnel not only has value in the process of providing the organization with the necessary personnel, but also, derived from the evaluation process of the candidates that serve as its basis, it is useful and its function to contribute to the elaboration of training plans, career plans, succession plans (quarry and reserve of tables, tables of substitutions), professional orientation, personnel inventories, certifications of competencies and performance evaluation (Cuesta Santos, 2010).

The aforementioned author adds that the personnel selection process is an investment, which, if well conducted, should produce a rapid "return on investment". The benefits in the social, material and financial spheres for the institution are incalculable: having a work force with the appropriate characteristics for the performance of its functions. On the other hand, the personnel selection process should not be a fashion or applied by the whim of an entrepreneur or an act of formal complacency to comply with a requirement. Introducing a selection system with this attitude condemns the system, beforehand, to failure.

In an increasingly globalized world, local development unfolds as a present and viable alternative for those territories that are committed to its implementation whenever the articulation of the different local actors, the use of endogenous and exogenous resources, citizen participation, among others, that lead to substantial changes in the economic, social, natural and political-institutional order, whose supreme goal is the improvement of the quality of life of the local population (Vargas Fernández, 2019) are considered as fundamental pillars.

In contrast to the criteria that prevailed during a long period on the ideal of planned society, where the local initiative was considered disintegrating by planners who loved coherence and uniformity, in the last years, a great number of researchers, experts, institutions, organisms and organizations, have pronounced themselves in relation to local themes (Guzón, 2006).

Most of the authors, who from a capitalist development perspective focus on the issue of local development, base their models on the incentive to small enterprises, from different approaches and support programs for entrepreneurs, conceiving the role of the government as a promoter agent of private initiative.

According to Lazo (2002), local development in Cuba should be conceptualized as a process that activates the economy and dynamizes local society, which, through the use of endogenous resources existing in a given territory, puts itself in capacity to stimulate and promote economic development, creating employment and wealth and putting these in function of improving the quality of life and the satisfaction of the ever-growing needs of local communities. It is a process through which local governments establish initiatives and promote efficient and effective economic activities, in coordination with all political and social agents, in joint projects that decisively influence the productive sector. In this way they are encouraged with the main objective of redesigning the socio-economic structure of the locality, in order to move from primary levels to secondary, tertiary levels of development and thus increase productive values and management efficiency, which should contribute to raising social effectiveness.

Although it is true that local development is not limited exclusively to local economic development (Torres, 2016), the role of productive actors in promoting a favorable local economic environment should not be denied, while considering the natural, cultural, social, political-administrative and institutional aspects of the respective territorial scope.

Several authors have approached local development from different approaches and edges (Becerra & Pino, 2014; Betancourt López, 2018; Guzón, 2006; Lazo, 2002; Núñez, 2014; D. Pérez & Díaz, 2014; Torres, 2016).

The concept issued by Torres (2016) is one of the most current in Cuba. This author defines local development as the process of social construction and structural change, which from an innovative territorial environment and led by local governments, develops capacities to manage public policies, strategies, programs and projects oriented to take advantage of endogenous and exogenous resources, promoting economic, social, natural and political institutional transformations in the localities on sustainable bases, with an active and protagonist citizen participation, in function of elevating the quality of life of the population.

This approach also considers the importance of social capital and cooperation links with external agents to capture human, technical and monetary resources, among others, that contribute to the local development strategy.

The Basic Food Unit of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, belonging to the Provincial Food Industry Company (EPIA) of Pinar del Río, has satisfactorily achieved the fulfillment of its mission, reaching acceptable levels of efficiency, maintaining stability in its human capital and consolidating a minimum and practical management structure, as well as the experiences associated with the efforts of its directors and workers to achieve the objectives of the organization. Likewise, through the daily observation of the development of the practice, it has presented as a problem what refers to the process of recruitment and selection of personnel, which constitutes a preponderant element in the success of companies, generating opportunities for human resource development (García & Navarro, 2008).

The Canning Factory "La Época" of the Basic Food Unit, for several years remained disabled due to effects on its production capacity, due to constructive problems, the obsolescence of technology and its state of deterioration and the situation of human resources, characterized by retirement and emigration to other sectors of the economy.

As part of the local development strategy of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, it was proposed, as an initiative, that this factory be part of a local development project. This initiative pays tribute to the fulfillment of one of the strategic lines of development of the territory: food production. At the same time, it promotes the productive chain between agricultural entities and the factory "La Época", as well as it favours the processes of added value to the productions.

In order to do this, highly qualified personnel are needed, committed to the achievement of organizational objectives, where the levels of satisfaction of the population, with respect to the productions elaborated in the factory, are increasingly increasing and, therefore, their quality of life as well.

In line with the above, the objective of this work is to develop a procedure for the management of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel in the cannery "La Época", of the Basic Unit of Food Consolation South, which contributes to the recruitment of competent employees based on local development.



For a better understanding of the subject, the theoretical components that intervene in the process of recruitment and selection of personnel were analyzed.

In order to achieve the objective, methods, techniques and procedures were used that facilitated the collection and processing of information in order to solve the research problem. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.

The materialistic dialectic was used to carry out a systemic study of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel in function of local development, with the objective of knowing the elements that compose the object of investigation, as well as the existing contradictions in the same one.

The induction-deduction was used in the elaboration of the procedure for the management of the process of recruitment and selection according to local development.

The analysis and synthesis procedures were used to arrive at multilateral knowledge of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel, based on the study and analysis of the bibliographic material, which allowed to delimit the essential elements, as well as to establish the links between them.

As an empirical research method, documentary analysis was used, through the study of different documents and other bibliographic materials related to the subject, which allowed to evaluate the state of the recruitment and selection process in the Consolación del Sur Basic Food Unit. The documentary analysis also allowed the study of various technologies for personnel selection that served as theoretical-methodological references, which allowed determining their main contributions and limitations, as a basis for the proposal made.



The need for sustainable local development compatible with the national strategic development plan is recognized. In this sense, municipal governments are the structures responsible for the design and implementation of local development strategies, for which a greater decentralization of functions is required to promote their strengthening, that of their institutions and economic potentials. Generally, in the municipalities there are social infrastructures, organizational capacity and underutilized local resources, which need to be interrelated and mobilized to achieve a greater dynamic of economies at that scale.

The conditions of the national economy, deteriorated by the incidence of the political, economic and financial blockade imposed by the U.S. on Cuba, increased by this deterioration by the current economic, financial and environmental crisis that plagues the world, have been the main causes of limitations in technological capabilities, communications and transportation in the structures of management and planning of the economy at the municipal level. These conditions limit the necessary contribution of these structures to the implementation of new development strategies, based on municipal (local) initiatives.

If it is taken into account that local development takes place in a system where there are actors (individuals and collectives) that deploy strategies and generate certain practices, the people who form part of a municipal organization are no more than another set of actors or agents that act within the local scenario. Therefore, the people who work at the municipal level are also or may be facilitators of change. According to Esparcia, Escribano and Serrano (2016), among the conditioning factors of local development are the availability and quality of human resources and their decisive contribution of knowledge as a competitive advantage.

As a result of the study carried out in the Basic Food Unit of Consolación del Sur, regarding the process of recruitment and selection of personnel to work in the canning factory "La Época", the following problems were evidenced:

From the Council of the Municipal Administration of Consolación del Sur, a local development project was designed aimed at the production and marketing of food, canned fruits and vegetables, from local resources in the Mini-industry "La Época" of the Basic Food Unit of Consolación del Sur, belonging to EPIA (Pinar del Río), with the purpose of producing canned fruits and vegetables packed and in bulk, for marketing in the local retail and wholesale network. The fulfilment of the specific objectives of this project will allow an improvement in working conditions for women and young people in the production process. It is recommended that suitable human resources be selected and trained to carry out operations in the factory, that equipment be purchased to achieve higher production levels and better working conditions, as well as that raw material supplies and sales of productions be contracted to ensure the sustainability of the initiative.

The initiative benefits a total of 88,650 inhabitants. Of these, 43,539 are women and 45,111 are men, of whom 61,763 are white, 13,160 are mestizo and 13,727 are black. By age range: 0-4 years (17 354), 5-34 years (27 453), 35-59 years (26 271) and over 60 years (17 572).

In addition, the project contributes to the generation of 25 new jobs, to which women and young people in the municipality will have equal access.

To manage the recruitment and selection of the personnel required in the factory, the procedure to be followed is proposed below.

Procedure for managing the process of recruitment and selection of personnel based on local development

The objectives of the procedure are as follows:


This procedure is specifically to evaluate the profiles of candidates to work in the canning factory "La Época", of the Basic Unit of Food of the municipality Consolación del Sur, whether they are new entrants or for promotions, factory immersed in a local development project, which imprints peculiarities to the process of recruitment and selection.

Field of application:

This procedure is applicable to the human resources area and those responsible for areas of the "La Época" canning factory of the Basic Food Unit of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, to evaluate the candidates to opt for a position, be they internal or external.


The procedure consists of four general stages and nine steps, which provide a logical sequence for its application. At each stage of the procedure, the objective, the steps and the description are determined.

Stage I: Planning

Objective: Analyze the demands and offers of the positions or occupations for which it is going to select, obtaining the information on each one, from the establishment of a list of tasks, conditions of work and responsibility of the same one that contributes to the design of the profile of the suitable candidate in function of the local development.

Step 1: Awareness and preparation

Description: This step is expressed in the knowledge of the business organizational structure, its working conditions, its organizational culture or philosophy, as well as the demands and offers of jobs and positions. Managers, specialists and technicians must be prepared to assume this process on: the strategic direction adopted, the derived HRM policies, the work system assumed and the management of local development projects. Without these elements, there is no guarantee of coherent staff selection for this type of entity (project) and the necessary synergy will not be manifested. In addition, prior to the acquisition of such knowledge: the need for support from senior management to the work of selecting personnel to undertake, as well as to make explicit the ethics (code of ethics) to be complied with by all those involved in this process.

Step 2: Consideration of position profile in relation to local development

Description: The existence and topicality of the position profile in terms of local development is decisive for this selection process. In this step the indicators or parameters (dimensions) are decided that will serve as reference or pattern to compare the characteristics (competences) measured or valued in the aspirant to the job, precisely obtained from the position profile. If the job profile does not exist or is not updated according to local development, it will be necessary to resort to the analysis and design of the position or work position. The set of candidates is referred to such competencies or dimensions.

In the position profile, depending on local development, not only should reference be made to the requirements, responsibilities and competencies required for a given position or position, but also to those aimed at integral formation, according to the context in which it is found, in such a way that it allows the personnel inserted in a local development project to perform consistently with the multidimensional, integrating, transdisciplinary and sustainability approaches in relation to the four basic dimensions of local development: economic, socio-cultural, natural and political-administrative and institutional.

The configuration of the competencies of the content of the post or position essentially responds to what is done, how is it done, and why does it do it? (Cuesta Santos, 2010), so that the candidates know that they will be part of a local development project -if elected- and that it must be conceived as an economic, productive, profitable project that leads to the use of endogenous resources and to the increase of the added value of local productions, which will contribute to raising the quality of life of the population.

Stage II: Recruitment

Objective: Attract qualified candidates with the right profile for vacant positions, through internal and/or external recruitment.

Step 3: Recruitment

Description: Three aspects are fundamental to determine and acquire here: the sources of recruitment, the job application form (external) or performance evaluation together with the application (internal) and the curriculum vitae or history.

Recruitment sources can be internal or external. The internal sources correspond to the entity or enterprise itself, which in general are the most convenient, responding to rotation or promotion policies. The external ones have many modalities, such as: offices or employment agencies, information centers, student practices, presentations, relatives of the workers, temporary workers, advertisements in the press or on the radio, filing of applications to the entity and competing companies (which is the least convenient as a trend).

There are a series of factors that condition the sources of recruitment, as well as their feasibility or reliability, such as: the potential search entities (employing agencies), the levels of competition, demanded by the positions or positions to occupy, the time demanded by the search process, the composition of the work force, the costs of the process, the work climate, the organizational culture, the working conditions, as well as the image of the company in need of recruitment. Such conditions must be well characterized, because they mediatize or are restrictions of the objective function that is the recruitment, being able the current state to affect in advance the desired state, so that the expectations are well specified.

In case of not presenting candidates by means of the internal recruitment, the external recruitment will be resorted to, making the launching of the position in call up to a maximum of 21 days.

Stage III: Selection

Objective: To select the suitable personnel for each job or position in call, attending to the requirements established in the position profile, depending on the local development.

Step 4: Pre-selection

Description: Once approved, fill the position, with the certification issued by the Subdirector of Human Resources of EPIA and the Provincial Director and having concluded the period of call, the documentation of the proposed one or ones is presented to the Committee of Experts, where it is evaluated the suitability of the worker or workers, proposing the most capable based on meeting the requirements (formal and conduct).

The aim of this step is to ascertain the willingness of candidates to be processed for admission and/or promotion for the performance of an activity or occupation. On the other hand, they will be provided with information about the job that is required to be filled and the selection process to be carried out, as well as the documents of each applicant will be received and evaluated.

The preliminary interview is a technique that should never be missing at this time. Likewise, the biographical synthesis, autobiography or curriculum of each applicant should be analyzed to evaluate requirements such as: capacity, merits obtained, formal education, disposition, commitment and technical-professional training, among others.

Once these previous elements have been analyzed, the candidates are classified as follows:

Step 5: Application of selection techniques

Description: Preference will be given to Group 3 candidates, as they are the most closely related to the requirements. If this is not possible, we will work with those in Group 2 and ultimately with those in Group 1.

Other selection techniques will be applied to the pre-selected candidates, in order to deepen their capacities, so as to allow the Committee of Experts to verify that they meet the requirements established in the position profile, depending on local development.

The techniques listed below do not mean the joint application or all of them. The specialists together with the directors decide which to use, with the participation of the members of the area where the positions to be filled are located. Regardless of the techniques chosen, there should be no shortage of techniques, interviews and professional tests with the time they require, as the case may be.

These techniques are: a) Psychometric tests, b) Group dynamics, c) Professional tests, d) Physical (medical) tests and e) Selection interview.

Step 6: Verification of referential data and interindividual comparisons

Description: All the data referenced by the candidates (both in their CVs and in the interviews) are verified through companies, residences, study centers, etc. This is an activity that can never be ignored. In documentary terms, it must be clearly evidenced or endorsed. In addition, the data obtained from all the candidates are used and compared in order to make the proposals that best meet the established requirements.

Step 7: Decision making on candidates to be selected

Description: The Head of the Basic Unit submits to the EPIA Subdirector of Human Resources the documentation established in Instruction No.1 and Resolution No.210 dated November 7, 2016, issued by the Provincial Director, prior to submission to the Committee of Experts of the candidate or candidates to perform the existing occupations or positions.

For the materialization of this step you must have:

This step is of great relevance, because it is the colophon that means the very reason of the referred process. To err here, takes to the traste all the previous work, with the always sad occasioned expense, as much economic as human. Whatever the modus operandi here, in this decision making it is advisable to impose consensus, respecting individual integrity, when issuing the valuation.

Stage IV: Control

Objective: Evaluate the performance of the selected employee from the moment he or she joins the job, taking into account the results obtained during the probationary period.

Step 8: Incorporation of the worker into employment

Description: This step allows the selected aspirants to join the working group, to be set in the work to be developed and to acquire the mastery of the work and the skills to carry it out properly. This step includes:

In the reception the worker knows, among others, the following information:

The management of the Enterprise and the Base Unit will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the selection and integration of personnel, the techniques employed, the influence of each source of income, its contribution to the selection process and the satisfaction of candidates, both internal and external, in order to perfect this process.

Step 9: Follow-up

Description: The staff selection process does not end after the recruitment and incorporation of the candidate, as verifiable follow-up is required. This is very important for the candidate to know; he or she should be very explicitly informed, insisting that during this two or three month follow-up, two issues will basically be checked:

The Assistant Director-General for Human Resources needs to be aware of this follow-up and, in particular, of the attention she should pay to the verification of these two issues. Inadaptation means frustration for the new employee and an impact on the work climate of the human team, both situations being economically translated into lower levels of productivity or performance and business efficiency. The second issue, largely related to the first, is essential to ratify or not the employee and, furthermore, to validate the effectiveness of the selection process of personnel carried out. This validation is fundamental (Cuesta Santos, 2010).

On the other hand, these verifications are linked to the performance evaluation systems that are adopted and also, in their evolution, to the analysis and design of jobs and their respective job profiles in terms of local development.

Results of implementation and discussion of results

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure in the Basic Unit of Consolation of the South, the results obtained in each designed stage were analyzed.

The procedure was monitored from the stage of sensitization of the actors involved. Two workshops were held with the participation of directors and workers of the Company and the Basic Unit, in order to exchange knowledge and experiences: HRM, recruitment and selection process, management of local development projects, etc., which allowed them to acquire and/or deepen in topics of vital importance for the assumption of the process to be implemented.

The Local Development Project, approved to be executed in the "La Época" cannery of the Consolación del Sur Basic Food Unit, produces and sells canned fruits and vegetables from local resources. This initiative aims to challenge mechanisms of social and structural exclusion, using as its main route, the distribution of its productions through articulation with other economic actors: the network of commerce and gastronomy, which allows these productions to have access to people living in intricate areas.

The approved position staff (Table 1) according to the level of activity is 27 workers, of whom 22 are direct to production and services, with the remaining five indirect (one civil servant, one position by appointment and three other workers).

Table 1 - Template of the "La Época" Canning Factory position


Occupational Category

Number of positions

Level of Preparation

Scale Group




12 grade


General Activities Manager



9 grade


Integral Clerk of Commercial Establishment



9 grade


warehouse clerk



12 grade


Master "B" of Food Industry Product Elaboration



12 grade


Operator "A" of Food Industry Products Elaboration



9 grade


Auxiliary Operator "B" of Food Industry Products Elaboration



9 grade


General Assistant of Elaboration



Habilitation Course





Habilitation Course












Source: Own elaboration

For the process of recruitment and selection of personnel direct to production and services, the vacancies were presented, where the denomination, requirements and job content of the position, salary, among other data for the knowledge of the applicants, not presenting workers from the Basic Food Unit, so other candidates were analyzed and asked for documents to know their employment history, their state of health, as well as past grades.

With this documentation and the result of verifications of attitude and aptitude carried out on these persons by the Committee of Experts, constituted for such purposes and integrated by the Security and Protection Technician of the Unit, the representative of the Union and three other workers, the conduct of these persons in the area of residence was also known, and it was evaluated whether these persons comply with the formal and conduct requirement.

Subsequently, the Committee of Experts recommended the persons who could fill the positions, which was brought to the attention of the Head of the Basic Unit, who informed the area of human resources the formalization of the working relationship to those accepted to fill the positions, which were submitted to a reception program and the corresponding probationary period (which does not exceed one hundred and eighty days according to the position).

In the case of the designated personnel (Administrator and warehouse manager) to whom requirements of reliability and discretion are demanded, the same documentation was requested of them, with greater rigor as regards the verifications, the conclusion of the formalization of the Labor Contract was established, once its acceptance was determined by means of a resolution dictated by the Provincial Director in the case of civil servants or a reasoned written statement, dictated by the Head of Basic Unit, where their obligations and attributions count.

All selected staff were also subjected to interviews that allowed them to deepen their skills, in line with the local development project for which they were processed.

Once the selected personnel had been defined, work was carried out to guarantee a monthly production of 20 tons of products broken down into: guava jam, mango and carrot, tomato purée (all packaged or in bulk), the production of juices and nectar was foreseen, among other productions; all depending on the season of the year.

However, in the specialized bibliography, different technologies related to the management of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel were reviewed in order to compare the proposed procedure with other similar results.

Their analysis led to the establishment of their positive aspects and limitations with respect to the procedure proposed in this work (Table 2).

Table 2 - Analysis of personnel recruitment and selection procedures







Recruitment and selection of persons

Jaramillo (2005)

Maintain or increase the efficiency and performance of staff, as well as the efficiency of the organization.

The process is inherent only for qualified candidates for the position


Recruitment, selection and induction program at Colegio Capouilliez, University of San Carlos, Guatemala

David (2006)

- A great knowledge of the applicants is achieved.

- Errors can be made by halo effect, that is, tendency to evaluate candidates from generalization


Steps in the Personnel Selection Process

Chiavenato (2012)

- Adequacy of the person to work.
- Efficiency and effectiveness of the person in the position.

- High operating cost.


Recruitment, selection and integration programme

Werther (2008)

- Internal selection systems can identify human capital that has promotion potential.
- The selection program relies on specialized software that helps to determine through scores which employees meet the most compatible characteristics with the position.

- No computer program can measure the desire of the employee to occupy a certain position, these systems have been achieving considerable diffusion.


Procedure for the selection of personnel

Cuesta (2010)

- Search for candidates for positions or positions that mean flexibility or multicompetencies in the employee.
- Emphasis is placed on the selection of managers and talent specialists, guaranteeing as a standard the profiles of positions by competence.

- The procedure is not focused on the management of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel.


Basic Steps for the Recruitment and Selection Process

Ojeda (2011)

- To help the organization identify the candidate that best suits the specific needs of the position and the general needs of the organization.
- It finds itself with a correct theoretical conception

- It does not distinguish in the sector where it is going to be applied, since in essence the same aspects are worth.


Ten Steps to an Effective Selection Process

Barceló (2017)

- In this procedure emphasis is placed on the correspondence between the candidate and the established requirements.
- A set of techniques are applied for an accurate decision of the candidate to occupy the position.

- The procedure is not focused on the management of the process of recruitment and selection of personnel.

Source: Own elaboration

In the procedures presented above, the main steps, tasks, methods, techniques and instruments used in a recruitment and selection process have been grouped. The order or appearance of the different elements that make it up are in correspondence with the objectives and characteristics of the same.

In a deeper analysis of the procedures presented above, it was found that the main components of the selection process are: (a) Planning, (b) Recruitment, (c) Selection and Contracting, (d) Monitoring and control. None of the procedures analyzed is conceived for the selection of people with competences according to local development.

By way of conclusion, it should be pointed out that the study carried out on recruitment and selection as a key process in human resources management allows us to conclude that there is knowledge that conceptually underpins this research and its importance in the current business context, especially if the management of this process is carried out in entities that are committed to the execution of local development projects.

The analysis of seven technologies for the process of recruitment and selection of personnel allows to conclude the existence of a set of stages, steps, contributions and limitations that serve as a base to outline a procedure adapted to the canning factory "La Época" of the Basic Unit of Food of the municipality Consolación del Sur, belonging to the Provincial Company of the Food Industry of Pinar del Río, which contains four stages and nine steps.

With the application of the procedure proposed in the canning factory "La Época", 27 workers were selected with the requirements and skills required for the position and depending on local development, which will contribute to meeting the food needs of the population and thereby improving their quality of life. 



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Becerra, F., & Pino, J. (2014). Desarrollo socioeconómico local en Cienfuegos. Mediciones a escala municipal y estrategias de transformación desde el territorio. En O. Pérez & R. Torres, Miradas a la economía cubana: desde una perspectiva territorial. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Caminos. Recuperado a partir de

Betancourt López, I. (2018). El desarrollo local en Cuba. Valencia, España: Universitat de València. Recuperado a partir de

Chiavenato, I. (2012). Gestión del talento humano (3ra ed). Bogotá, Colombia: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

Cuesta Santos, A. (2010). Tecnología de gestión de recursos humanos (3ra. ed). La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Félix Varela y Academia. Recuperado a partir de

David, M. V. (2006). Los programas de reclutamiento, selección e inducción en el Colegio Capouilliez. Guatemala: Universidad de San Carlos.

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